/ / What kind of vaccine is needed a year?

What kind of vaccine is needed a year?

About vaccination today there is a huge amountconversations. And in a constant verbal battle are those who are vaccinated and against them. But still, no one has canceled them, in the kindergarten and school parents still require a vaccination calendar with certain marks.

Inoculation per year
About vaccination

Decide whether to vaccinate your child or not, shouldexclusively parents. However, the Ministry of Health strongly recommends that all prescribed immunizations be given to their children. But how to do everything right? How to prepare for another vaccination? The first thing to remember is that you can not vaccinate a sick child with weakened immunity. Therefore, it is always necessary to consult the pediatrician beforehand and only after his recommendation to vaccinate the baby. It is also recommended that you also pass urine and blood tests in order to make sure that the baby's health is excellent.

vaccination schedule up to one year

In the first year of life, it is very importantto vaccinate children. To do this, there is a vaccination schedule for up to a year, according to which it is necessary to vaccinate the child. During this time, the youngster can be vaccinated against such diseases as hepatitis B, tetanus, pertussis, measles, rubella, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, hemophilia, diphtheria, etc. It should be noted that at this time there will also be need for repeated vaccinations, and later for revaccinations from certain diseases.

One-year-old children

What kind of a vaccine is needed a year?When the child turns 12 months old, the next stage of vaccination is coming. So, he can be vaccinated against hepatitis B, if the baby is at risk, and also need a vaccine PDA (measles, mumps, rubella).

About hepatitis

Certain babies need an inoculation per year fromhepatitis B. It should be done by children who are at risk. According to the usual schedule, for the first time it is done in the maternity hospital, and then after the end of the first month of the child's life and at the age of six months. Do not deviate from the schedule, because in this case, the effectiveness of the vaccine is somewhat reduced. It should be noted that this vaccination is easy for children to endure and mostly unproblematic. Immunity from the disease is acquired for five years.

vaccination schedule up to one year

Still need this vaccination a year, as the CCP.It protects against measles, mumps, rubella, because these diseases often sick unvaccinated children of preschool and primary school age. It should be noted that the treatment is rather complicated, serious complications can occur with hearing, vision, and genital mutilation. Such vaccination is tolerated annually by the children fairly easily, without the attendant problems. Repeated vaccination or revaccination is not required.


Another vaccination in a year may be neededTo the kid? It all depends on whether the parents of the child were beaten out of the vaccination schedule. If everything is done on time, nothing else is needed. If there were any omissions, the doctor may recommend filling them in and giving the vaccination to the youngster on the missing items. It is worth noting that at one time no one will stuff the baby with all the necessary vaccines, everything is done gradually, allocating time for the post-vaccination period, in which the parents simply have to closely monitor the reaction of the baby to the injected drug. And if everything went well, after a while the child will simply be introduced with phased missing vaccines.