Even during pregnancy, future mothers ponderThe question of whether or not to make a newborn baby a vaccine. Moreover, even within the same family, opinions can radically differ. Some will campaign for vaccination according to the calendar of vaccinations, while others may become categorical opponents of any interference in the process of natural growth and the formation of immunity. Of course, it is better to decide this issue before the baby's birth, since BCG to the newborn, as well as the first inoculation from hepatitis, is done in the maternity hospital.
Vaccination with a vaccine that contains bacillusCalmette-Guérin (BCG), is used to prevent tuberculosis. They make it out of the living, but in an artificial environment of a specially weakened, virus. Opponents of vaccinations often recall that it was impossible to refuse vaccination in the Soviet Union, but the incidence of tuberculosis was quite high. The main problem is that it is impossible to trace the duration of protection that BCG gives to newborn children and adults, in none of the studies. Other data indicate that the effectiveness of vaccination depends on the region of residence. In addition, some scientists argue that it shows good results for tuberculosis of the brain and disseminated tuberculosis, with other diseases its effectiveness is questionable.
As with other vaccinations, all children of BCGreact differently. Some will not have a trace after the injection, but others will have an abscess. The normal response to BCG in newborns should be as follows. Usually after 2 months at the site of intradermal injection of the vaccine, the baby should receive a seal. Do not be scared if there will be a small bubble, which will burst with time. A few months (usually takes about six months) at the site of the vaccination should form a small scar - scar. This sign remains with a person for life.
If the BCG vaccine was given in the hospitalnewborns, the reaction to it will not appear until 6 weeks later. But in some cases, there are no manifestations in infants at the injection site, the scar is not formed. In these cases it is better to consult with the TB specialist and be sure to make a revaccination at the age specified in the vaccination calendar - at 7 and 14 years. Of course, all parents must decide for themselves whether to vaccinate their child. After all, only they are responsible for the state of his health.