/ Sinus lifting: use during dental implants. Types, indications, possible complications

Sinus-lifting: use for implantation of teeth. Types, indications, possible complications

Dental implants are very common.an operation that is performed when a person has one or more osteoid organs in the mouth. However, in some cases it is very difficult to do it without osteoplasty. In most cases, the doctor will ask the patient to perform a sinus lift. The use of this procedure for implantation of teeth is necessary if the patient has not enough own bone tissue.

Features of the jaw structure

sinus lifting use for dental implants

So, sinus lifting (use when implantation of teeth in the upper and lower jaw has certain differences) is necessary in order to increase the amount of bone tissue to secure the implant.

Most often, the procedure is applied at the top.parts of the mouth. The fact is that the bones are airy, as they form the maxillary sinus. Its lower wall is very thin and is located just in the place where the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw are located. Such a structure does not allow a person to put metal implants, as they will not be securely fixed.

Sinus lifting, the price of which will be indicated belowproduced by moving the bones of the maxillary sinus back and filling the resulting space with synthetic bone material. After this, you can install a longer and stronger implant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the operation

sine lifting Price

Before you perform the procedure, you must make an appointment with the dentist and find out all its advantages. So, it has the following advantages:

  • It is possible to restore any number of teeth. At the same time you do not have to use a removable denture.
  • Powerful root-like implants can last much longer than thin ones. Therefore, your design will last much longer in the mouth.
  • It is possible to combine different types of prostheses and implants. This, in turn, is an important parameter from an aesthetic point of view.
  • Sinus lifting (the use of such a procedure must be approved by the attending physician during the implantation of teeth) allows you to get rid of the feeling of discomfort after installing the prosthesis.
  • The procedure provides high-quality bone buildup, even if there is very little left.

However, there are some disadvantages:

  1. The recovery period after such an operation is rather long.
  2. Due to improper operation, inflammatory processes may occur.
  3. If the nasal sinus is accidentally damaged, it can provoke various chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
  4. Immediately after the operation, the patient is prohibited any load. For example, flights by plane, long trips. After such an extension of the bone can not even sneeze.

Indications for use

make an appointment with the dentist

If you want to apply a sinus lift, the doctor must approve the use of the procedure for implantation of the teeth. And for this you need to have certain indications:

  • The absence of any pathologies, inflammatory foci or insuperable defects in the area where the intervention will be carried out.
  • The patient should not have any problems that during or after the operation can cause complications.
  • The presence of the necessary volume of bone tissue, which will be needed for the primary fixation of implants inside the bone.

As you can see, sinus lift (use whenimplantation of teeth should be justified) - this is a complicated procedure that delivers some discomfort to the patient. However, in some cases, it can not do without.


Sinus lifting (the price of the procedure is approximately 12,000–25,000 rubles) in some cases cannot be done. There are such contraindications to the operation:

  1. ENT pathologies that are in the acute stage of development.
  2. Immunity disorders.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Low blood clotting.
  5. Inflammatory disease or placement of the maxillary sinus too low.
  6. Problems with the functionality of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Chronic rhinitis.

As you can see, sinus lift surgery may not always be performed. Therefore, before making a decision, you should consult with the doctor and undergo a thorough examination.

Types of sinus lifting

open sinus lift

Each new patient is an individual case.which requires its own approach. Therefore, the same type of operation cannot be used. Now you know what a sinus lift is during dental implantation. Next you will have the opportunity to consider the types of surgery. There are only two of them:

  • Открытый синус-лифтинг.In this case, the introduction of synthetic bone tissue is made through the side axillary walls. Such an operation is considered more complex. An open sinus lift provides for fixation of the implant only after 4-6 months. During this time, the bone tissue must settle down.
  • Closed sinus lift.This method of building bone is more benign, so it is practiced more often. The required synthetic material is introduced through a specially made hole. It is formed by cutting the gums and bone tissue. In this case, the implant can be installed on the same day.

As you can see, closed sinus lifting is preferable and safe. Although in this case, by negligence, you can bring the infection inside.

For work, specialists usually use such material: autogenous or lyophilized laminated demineralized bone, “Collateup”, and also absorbable cellulose.

What complications may occur?

 closed sinus lift

The procedure presented is in most cases necessary. However, it should be carried out by an experienced surgeon. Otherwise, you may have such complications:

  1. Inflammatory disease of the maxillary sinus, which is accompanied by headaches, general weakness, the appearance of purulent discharge.
  2. Infection during surgery.
  3. Weak fixation of the implant, which leads to its gradual loosening.
  4. Inflammatory lesion of bone tissue.
  5. Chronic sinusitis or other pathologies of the nose or throat.
  6. Damage to the membrane of the maxillary sinus.
  7. Severe bleeding that can occur both during and after surgery. If a person has poor blood clotting, then it will be difficult to stop it.
  8. Disruption of fluid exit from the bone.
  9. The development of oroantral fistula.

Do not be afraid of all these complications. If you will be dealt with by a qualified doctor, the risk of their occurrence becomes insignificant.

How to eliminate complications?

However, if you avoid the bad consequences yetfailed, it is necessary to eliminate them so that the embedded material remains intact. First of all, it should be determined what kind of complication a patient develops. To do this, an external examination, as well as hardware diagnostics - radiography.

If the nature of the complication is infectious, then the patienttests that allow you to identify the pathogen and prescribe the appropriate antiviral or antibacterial agent. If it is impossible to stop the inflammatory process in this way, then the treated area is often cleaned.

Preparation for the operation and its implementation

What is a sinus lift for dental implants?

So, before a sinus lift is performed(there are positive and negative reviews about it), it is necessary to prepare for it. The physician is obliged to conduct a full examination of the patient in order to exclude the presence of factors under which surgery is impossible. At this stage, the calibration of the maxillary sinuses is performed. This is done through x-ray examination.

The survey makes it possible to determine whetherinflammatory processes or latent infectious foci at the site of future treatment; bone height; consider the anatomical structure of the sinuses in each particular case.

Naturally, before using the presentedprocedures doctor must eliminate all found diseases of the oral cavity: caries, inflammation of the gums and others. If there is even the slightest risk of complications, the operation should not be.

The intervention itself consists of several stages:

  1. The implementation of the cut, which will drag fromdistal tuber inside the mouth to the canine region. This will give the opportunity to expose the lateral wall of the sinus. During cutting, the treated area should be well irrigated.
  2. Drilling small punching points inbone tissue along the upper border of the cut. At this stage, work should be done as carefully as possible so that the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus is not damaged.
  3. Bone breakout and peeling of mucousshell around the perimeter of the treated area. At this stage, the person must inhale and exhale several times. This will give the opportunity to find out whether the mucosa is damaged.
  4. The room is bone material. In this case, the doctor is obliged to ensure that the distribution was uniform in all planes.

What needs to be done during the rehabilitation period?

sinus lift surgery

After the intervention, the wound heals for at least a week. However, even for 4 weeks after the operation, the patient must observe some rules that will contribute to successful rehabilitation:

  • Do not make sharp turns, bends or physical effort, which can increase the pressure on the region of the maxillary sinus.
  • Sneezing should be with your mouth open, and blowing your nose is prohibited altogether.
  • Go up the stairs very carefully (it is advisable to spend this time at rest).
  • It is forbidden to descend into the water or fly on an airplane.
  • Do not take too hard, cold or hot food.

After the rehabilitation period is over, you can make an appointment with a dentist. He will check if everything is in order and conducts the implantation procedure. Good luck!