/ / What do dentists recommend when they need to insert teeth?

What do dentists recommend when there is a need to insert teeth?

Many people occasionally encounterthe need to insert teeth. Such a need may arise at any age. After the loss of a tooth as a result of an injury or after its removal, a person has a number of reasonable questions: "how to restore the lost", "which teeth paste which materials

insert teeth
at the same time, “whether there is harm from them”, “what is the price of the issue”, etc., will be applied.

Do I need to insert teeth?

Many have already stopped on this issue.Indeed, why embed? There are still a dozen of them two, or even three left. And so, it seems, not bad. Many and with fewer live and have no problems. However, problems, unfortunately, are. The absence of a tooth leads to the fact that the area near the damaged place has an increased load during chewing. The teeth in this zone are deformed and destroyed. The loss of one tooth badly affects all its neighbors. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to delay the treatment.


В случаях, когда у пациента нет аллергической intolerance of the materials used, the implantation of the tooth may be recommended by the doctor. The artificial base of a dental implant is implanted in the jaw bone. Crowns are usually made of ceramic. The actions of the doctor take an average of about 40 minutes. The mentioned operation does not require grinding down of the adjacent teeth.

insert tooth Price
At the same time, ceramic teeth are quite durable.and practically indistinguishable from natural. However, there are some downsides. In about 10% of cases, implants do not survive. In addition, there are some contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • CNS disease;
  • mucosal diseases;
  • connective tissue diseases.

Bridge crown

Данный способ вставлять зубы подходит людям, who for some reason are afraid of implantation. Some have allergic reactions. In addition, there is always a risk that the tooth does not take root. In bridges, this option is completely excluded, since there is no need to implant a foreign body into the jaw bone to insert a tooth. The price of this procedure can please fans save. Its implementation will be much cheaper than implantation. However, there is a significant disadvantage. When establishing a bridge crown will have to grind the adjacent teeth. Therefore, not everyone will like this option.

Removable dentures

what teeth to insert

Another alternative way to insert teeth isremovable dentures. Many patients in dental clinics note the convenience of this method of prosthetics. Modern materials provide excellent performance qualities of these dental substitutes. Of course, there are some drawbacks. For example, serious wear of abutment teeth, bone tissue atrophy and impossibility of subsequent implantation. Here are examples of types of removable dentures:

  1. Clasp prostheses. Consist of a metal arc with crowns mounted on it. Because of the stiffness of the frame, patients sometimes receive complaints about rubbing the gums with the prosthesis.
  2. Nylon prostheses. This type has a soft base and does not require the treatment of adjacent teeth.