The preparation "Sinuforte", whose composition includesjuice and extract of cyclamen European, is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses. When ingested, the drug provokes reflex secretion.
"Sinuforte" means. Application
The drug is prescribed for sinusitis chronic andacute course (catarrhal and purulent sinusitis, sphenoiditis, frontal, etmoiditis). The drug is effective in carrying out rehabilitation therapy after endoscopic interventions. The medication is prescribed to reduce edema of the nasal mucosa, purification of the sinuses. The drug in these cases is recommended two days after the operation.
Is there an analog of "Sinuforte"?
Preparations containing the same active substance are quite numerous. One such medicine is the "Sinus Lift" medication.
The analogue of "Sinuforte" is a means of "Sinus Lift"is assigned to restore functions and eliminate inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The drug, in particular, is very effective for sinusitis of a combined type, complicated by allergic manifestations. The medication provides a good outflow of discharge from the nose, eliminates soreness.
Dosing regimen
Analog "Sinuforte" - the drug "Sinus Lift" - is assigned to 1-2 drops of gel in each nostril. Instillation is conducted no more than twice a day.
Reviews about the drug
According to many experts, this analogue"Sinuforte" is the most effective tool in the treatment of sinusitis. The drug effectively eliminates nasal congestion for a sufficiently long period. The medication "Sinus Lift" has a minimum of contraindications. The main is the intolerance of the components of the remedy. If the doctor's prescriptions and recommendations contained in the instructions are followed, the remedy does not provoke side effects.