Implantation is one of the mostpreferred methods of recovery, lost teeth for different reasons. The patient does not feel any discomfort, there is no violation of chewing and speech functions, a person smiles with a beautiful Hollywood smile. In the dental clinic "Center for Periodontology and Implantation" patients are not only installed dental implants, but also provide a wide range of dental services. The address, schedule and feedback on the work of the institution are available in our article.
Services of the stomatological center of implantation and periodontology of Arkhangelsk
The main principle of the medical institutionis to provide services of exceptionally high quality, aimed at meeting the requirements of patients. To do this, the dental clinic "Center for Periodontology and Implantation" (Arkhangelsk) has the most modern equipment and the best imported materials. Here there is a team of real professionals, each member of which undergoes annual retraining outside the country.

In addition to services in the field of dental implantation andparodontics, in stomatology patients undergo therapeutic, orthodontic, orthopedic treatment, hygienic procedures for professional cleaning of teeth, and if necessary perform surgical intervention. Over the years of his work, thousands of implant implant operations have been performed at the clinic, which completely replace removable dentures.
Address and time schedule
For the convenience of patients of the dental clinicThe institution is open 6 days a week. From Monday to Friday, the reception is from 8:30 to 21:00, and on Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00. The only day off for the doctors of the clinic is Sunday. Reception is by appointment.

Address of Dentistry "Center of Periodontology andimplantation ": Arkhangelsk, Lomonosov Avenue, Building 19, building 2. Dentistry is located in the very center of the city, you can get by public transport following Troitsky Avenue.The stop on which you need to go is called" Pomorskaya Street. "You can also take the bus number 75 up to the same stop.
"The Center for Periodontics and Implantation" in Arkhangelsk: reviews about dentistry
According to patients, there are no such tasks, withthe doctors of the clinic could not cope with. They not only engage in dental treatment, but also explain in an accessible way the need for preventive measures. Doctors are very attentive and always treat with understanding to patients, which is very rare today.

But there are people who are not satisfiedvisit to the dental clinic "Center of Periodontology and Implantation" in Arkhangelsk. In their responses, they noted that the prices here are much higher than in other medical institutions of the city, there are no discounts for permanent patients, and the guarantee for services and materials is only 1 year.
But, despite a number of shortcomings, most people were satisfied with the work of the described dental clinic.