/ How to straighten the posture effortlessly?

How to straighten the posture without effort?

Correct posture - a guarantee of beautyhealth, well-being and self-confidence. Often in childhood and adolescence little attention is paid to the health of the spine, the correct position of the body (for example, at the work table), the physical tone of the back muscles. Only when there are pains in the back, questions like how to straighten the spine and regain its former health become urgent, how to make it more flexible and stable to the load, how to straighten the posture.

Despite the frequent misconception that the lost inyouth health can not be restored, a violation of posture can be corrected by anyone. This process is reversible and is not associated with deformation of the bony structures of the spine.

To understand how to straighten the posture,to understand that the standard of the correct position of the spine is the unstressed state of the body, in which the human chest at the level of the "solar plexus" protrudes forward, and the stomach is slightly retracted, the shoulders are unfolded, lowered and relaxed, the shoulder blades do not protrude. A person with a good posture is raised, but his chin is not tucked up, and his gaze is directed from the top down.

First of all, the human posture is affectedcondition of the musculature of the back and abdomen. Most people do not have the opportunity to walk into the fitness room or hire a personal trainer. Therefore, it is important for them to know how to straighten the posture at home, with their own strength, with the help of improvised means. At home, you can perform the following exercises, aimed at improving the muscle tone of the back:

  • Stand upright, legs together, arms downbody. Inhale and raise your hands up. Exhale. Bend back. Inhale. Lower your hands and tilt forward. Round your back, lower your shoulders and head. Exhale. This and the following exercises should be repeated 5 to 8 times.
  • In a pose on all fours, straighten the spine from neck to waist, and then strongly bend it down and lock in this position for a couple of seconds.
  • Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body. Relax and then lift your head and legs up.

If these exercises seem complicated or cause pain, then at the initial stage they can be replaced with simpler ones:

  • In standing position, raise your elbows up and place your hands on the shoulder blades. Spread your hands in the sides, remove the scapula. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Take the object in your right hand and pass it toleft behind. At the same time, the right hand is on top, and the left hand is on the bottom. Then from the left hand, pass the object to the right hand through the left shoulder, and so on, several times.

There are exercises that allow the body to "remember"that such a correct posture. Correcting the posture with such exercises is an interesting and exciting process. To fulfill them, you need a book or any other object to put it on your head.

Stand at the wall so that the heels, back and headconcerned her. Put the book on your head and, without holding it, walk with it around the room. To further complicate the exercise, try a couple of times to sit down, stand on a small bench or step and get off it, do household chores. If at the initial stage the book is constantly falling, then replace it with a bag of salt.

Many, especially those engaged in urgent matters, people are thinking about how to straighten the posture without being distracted from the work process. In this case, several recommendations will help:

  • Do not sit with your legs crossed. Place your feet on the floor, resting on the entire surface. Hips should be located above the knees.
  • Relax and lower your shoulders. Put the chest forward. Stretch your stomach a little.
  • In the standing and walking position, distribute the body weight over the entire surface of the feet.
  • Keep the head and neck in line with the spine.

If you have to work hard sitting forcomputer, then it should be installed so that the monitor is located at eye level. For a laptop it's better to buy a special stand. Every 30-40 minutes you need to take a break and warm up to relieve tension from the muscles of the back and eyes.

It should be noted that before straighteningposture is final and for a long time, a person should have patience, since muscles and tendons do not immediately get used to the correct position of the body. However, patience and diligence are ultimately rewarded with excellent health and attractive appearance.