/ / Healthy lifestyle and its components

Healthy lifestyle and its components

Lifestyle and human health - twointerrelated structures that he can manage to a large extent. This is a kind of indicator of how correctly and skillfully he uses natural resources in order to live a bright, full of life and health. The basis of this is the worldview of a person, his attitude towards himself, towards nature, towards people around him.

However, health is affected not only by himself, but also byvarious other factors that may or may not be controlled by him. Among such factors, heredity (genetic information transmitted from parents), the environment, the technogenic environment, the social community, the lifestyle of the person himself and the work of the health authorities should be noted. Human health depends on all these indicators in general. For him, these indicators are divided into two broad categories: active and passive. A person can manage active indicators himself and he can improve their influence on his body, and he can only limit passive factors, but he cannot completely eliminate it.

The main components of a healthy lifestylewere developed by scientists-valeologov for a long time. To tell the truth, today there is no unambiguous interpretation of the concept “healthy lifestyle and its components”, but there are quite a lot of interpretations. Despite these disagreements, we still managed to develop components that can be attributed without any doubt to a healthy lifestyle, because the main goal (all researchers were striving for) is to provide various aspects of human activity in which it will be as long as possible and better as possible. their social functions. And it becomes possible only under the condition that his body will be healthy.

Healthy lifestyle and its components:

  1. work culture;
  2. full and proper nutrition;
  3. correct set of work and rest;
  4. sufficient presence in the fresh air, exercise, strengthening the immune system;
  5. sanitation and hygiene;
  6. sufficient motor activity;
  7. no bad habits;
  8. environmental literacy;
  9. stress tolerance, positive perception of the surrounding world;
  10. culture of sexual life.

The above components are rarely fullyenter the life of modern man. A healthy lifestyle and its components from the beginning of the last century were not perceived at all correctly, were considered a kind of restriction. Only since the founding of the foundations of the Soviet public health appeared sanitary education, the active promotion of physical culture and sports, healthy nutrition began, clubs and sports grounds were built everywhere.

По уставу Всемирной организации здравоохранения human health is the highest good of society. Nevertheless, a healthy lifestyle and its components are completely forgotten by young people. Everywhere they consume alcohol, eat fast food. This affects health very much - the percentage of women of childbearing age who cannot become pregnant grows, more and more children are born with congenital allergies, and chronic diseases are constantly becoming younger. And this is not to mention the fact that every person, in fact, is constantly under the threat of such diseases as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis.

Healthy lifestyle and its components werecollected in a table, the results of which are of considerable interest. So, it was found out that approximately twenty percent of cases are influenced by the genetic component, twenty-five percent - the external environment, five percent - the work of the health authorities, but about sixty percent - lifestyle and working and living conditions.