People used to spend time at ease andoriginal Therefore, the script performances of the propaganda team "For a healthy lifestyle" should be thoughtful and bright. It’s not hard to come up with such a scenario, it’s enough just to decide which aspects of a good lifestyle will be imitated.
What should be included in the presentation on the theme "Healthy lifestyle"
To make the presentation catchy and interesting,need to clearly consider the script. The “propaganda team for a healthy lifestyle” is a speech that should make everyone think about their behavior and actions. So that everything goes the best way, you can take the following factors as a basis:
- Harm of smoking.
- Harm of alcohol.
- The benefits of sporting events in any form.
- The benefits of hardening and water treatment at any time of the year.
- Proper nutrition can also be the main theme of the competition for the propaganda team "For a healthy lifestyle."
The script should have a deep meaning and convey to the audience important and necessary information. The key to success in a performance is a satisfied audience and an understanding of what is happening on the stage.
Where the propaganda team can hold such an event
A presentation about a healthy lifestyle can be organized in the following institutions:
- Nursing home.
- School.
- Kindergarten.
- Children's Health Camp.
- In hospitals.
- At public events.
In principle, to conduct speeches directedon a healthy lifestyle, you can anywhere. The main thing is to correctly place accents and choose the scenario of the propaganda team “About a healthy lifestyle”, which is the most suitable for the intended public.
What kind of audience can be gathered to view
Depending on which audience the speakers are focused on, there can be a different scenario. The "propaganda team for a healthy lifestyle" may be interested in such an audience:
- People leading a not quite right life. Such a concert will give them to understand how important it is to pay attention to their health.
- Школьникам и деткам из детского сада.Such an audience only forms a perception of life and opportunities. At this age it is important to lay the right foundation in the consciousness of the younger generation. Properly compiled script performances of the propaganda team "For a healthy lifestyle" enthrall and deserve the attention of young viewers.
- Also enjoy the performance on topicscorrect lifestyle for older people. New information will help them to positively tune. They will also be able to take for themselves something useful from what they saw at the performance.
- People who are overweight will also beIt is very interesting to see a presentation on the topic of a healthy lifestyle. In particular, such a group of viewers will benefit from a script aimed at the benefit of healthy eating and self-hypnosis.
In general, the idea of a healthy lifestyle will be interesting to everyone, the most important thing is to choose the right theme for the invited public.
Original scenarios of the propaganda team "For a healthy lifestyle" in schools
Within the walls of school institutions such performancescan be carried out, starting from the age group of students. In any case, the emphasis needs to be placed on the important aspects that form the right way of life. For example, you can take the following script:
A cheerful song is playing, the presenter and all the participants of the program go under it.
-Today, we welcome you,
For us, all the meetings with you as rewards.
We will tell you how to live correctly,
To eat healthy, to be friends with sports.
Participants come out in costumes of a hamburger and a carrot and begin a dialogue.
- I love children very much - everything in the world, everything in the world.
I am in charge of them for all, because I am a loaf with a chop.
And in me mayonnaise and mustard, ketchup with chemistry, so that I was tastier.
Today I want to ask, guys, have I always been your favorite?
- Stop, stop talking, it's bad for you to eat very much,
Kids, believe me, it is harmful to the stomach, you should not listen to it.
But carrot - other things,
Good for growth, strengthens the eyes, fills you with vitamins,
Hope every one of you knows that.
- But I am satisfying, and I am very tasty,
I am juicy, nutritious, you find me.
- You are harmful, especially for children's stomachs,
Finish this song, please.
And now, guys, I invite those who wish to participate in the competition. Our competition is called “Harmful and Useful”. The kids run out, and the Carrot and the Hamburger tell the rules.
On the two tables are inverted pictures.On each of the cards are drawn different foods. The task of the children is to put the pictures in two piles. In one of them to select the cards with useful food, and in the other - with harmful. The winner is the team that quickly and correctly completed the task.
Then thin and fat boys come on stage.
-I'm starting the morning with a shower, doing exercises later
And after exercise - breakfast,
I think this is the right day routine.
-I start the day with candy,
There is nothing tastier and more pleasant.
Why should I spend my strength?
After all, I'm right, tell me, guys.
- Not right, you spoil the stomach,
I forgot for a long time the standards of beauty.
Your belly is very huge
You would run day and night.
-I don't believe you are lying,
Are you without food?
You also love candy,
Marmeladki and sorbet?
-I certainly love them,
But I give myself sport.
But girls like me,
My words are more resonant.
Okay, okay, I agree
Your camp is really beautiful.
I'll start in the morning to do,
Pull up, run and tumble.
The boys leave the stage, and the fat boy makes the wheel.
- On this our holiday comes to an end,
I hope you understand the point.
In a healthy body healthy mind!
Do not forget about it.
Now "Goodbye" it's time to tell me.
Until new meetings, my new friends.
Such a scenario "Agitation Brigade for a Healthy Lifestyle" can be used with confidence for children of school age. The meaning is easy and accessible for children of different classes.
Scenarios on the theme “Healthy lifestyle” for the youngest
If the performance can be carried out within the walls of the kindergarten, the plot can be taken as follows.
The first to enter the stage with a funny song is the presenter and says:
-I see a lot of you gathered here.
Great, start the show.
I wish you all important understand
In a healthy body, joy aspiration.
They come out clean and tidy boy, dirty and sloppy, as well as fat with a roll in his mouth.
-I got up early today,
Exercises began.
I went to the shower
Then ate
Oh, guys, how many things!
-And I went to bed in clothes yesterday,
To not wear it today.
Mom morning really scolded
After all, she just washed the bed.
And on the way to the kindergarten I ate a loaf,
This is the one I took for myself a walk.
-I lay down early because I was exhausted.
I watched TV
Stocks from under the bed ate.
I had there cookies, candy packaging and a jar of jam.
Then mom suddenly called for dinner
But I did not refuse, such things.
I ate and slept I lay down
After all, a lot of energy spent per day.
-It is very strange, very marvelous,
Who on stage can you see that?
Guys let's vote
How best to start your day?
I am sure you will understand
The first boy is the best
He leads a healthy lifestyle.
Honor and success await him.
The second boy is unlikely to wait for praise.
Crumpled, unwashed and with a roll in his hands.
And the third is eating a lot,
What the future will not pass at the door.
Draw conclusions and decide for yourself
What are daughters, sons
Will delight your mom.
At this our holiday comes to an end,
Health you strong, kids.
And we really have to go,
To give others advice.
Such a scenario "Agitation brigade for a healthy waylife "is quite possible to take into account for the presentation of the smallest viewers. Crumbs do not sit long on the spot, which is why a short script about a healthy lifestyle - the perfect solution.
Scenario "Healthy lifestyle" for people of retirement age
Пожилые люди с удовольствием смотрят performances based on amateur performance. These people will appreciate if they make a speech to the district agitation brigade. A “healthy lifestyle” (scenario) can be represented as follows:
- You are here today,
Because we rushed.
We will entertain you
Give useful knowledge to all.
Listen carefully, women, men,
So that in life there would be no sorrows, no trouble.
Two actor-dressed grandfathers come out.
- I have a good day today,
In the morning I went for some bread.
And then I went to the park bench,
I decided to add myself to strength.
- I have a little bit different.
I barely got up from the sofa in the morning,
I wanted so much to stammer
I switched all the channels with the remote control.
And now my back hurts,
Feet whine, no strength in the hands.
In the mirror I looked at myself
I did not recognize lazy in my own pants.
- I used to see the same morning too.
And then he said to himself: “Come on, quickly got up.”
Movement is life
Always do the exercises.
Try to walk more,
Then you will live healthy.
- Oh, I guess you're right,
There is in fact gunpowder in the old dog yet.
Therefore, you need to walk,
Spend more time on the air.
- A healthy lifestyle will help to become stronger,
Then forget about age and you will fly like butterflies.
Such a performance will help older people understand how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle and move without stopping.
Scenario propaganda team "Our choice is a healthy lifestyle" in songs and poems
The presentation should be bright and take place onone breath. Even the most interesting scenarios of the propaganda team “For a Healthy Lifestyle” are much better perceived in the poetic and song form. It helps to make the performance unforgettable and emotional.
What are the accents, choosing a script
Of course, first of all it is important to choose the main idea. In this case, it will be easier to think through the script. To make the performance filled with impression and mood, you should:
- Fully immersed in each of the roles.
- Correctly choose the actors who best convey the essence.
- Make a bet on the emotions and the audience, then the concert will be bright and multifaceted.
These factors are important for full immersion of the audience in the atmosphere of an event.
How to interest different public in watching performances
Конечно же, основной мотивацией является познание something new. If the participants of the propaganda team have the opportunity, then each viewer can be given a symbolic gift, which is made with his own hands. A souvenir will always remind you of the important thing, that it is healthy to live by itself, and living healthy is even better.