In recent years, "very young"stomatitis. Now it is no longer possible to call it a child's disease. It is more and more common in adults. But still the symptoms of the disease in the young are more serious than in the adult independent person. That's why parents have a serious question: is stomatitis contagious or not? It is more difficult to catch a fungal form. But if this trouble happens, the disease will develop rapidly, because even the strongest immunity can not withstand it in the proper volume.
What is stomatitis?
Despite the seeming simplicity, this disease does notsuch a harmless one. Stomatitis is a disease of the mouth, which is quite capable of appearing in the event of an allergic reaction, some kind of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth or during intoxication. But in any case, answering the question of those who are interested in this issue, is infected with stomatitis, it is possible to say with certainty: in these cases, from one person to another, the disease can not be transmitted.
Pathology, that is, the inflammatory process onmucous or, as it is also called, the mucosa, can be caused by a variety of microorganisms and non-infectious factors. This is most often the case with babies. But depending on what is the root cause, and distinguish several types of this disease. It is from the factor of etiology that will depend, whether stomatitis is contagious or not in this particular case.
Infection inside
Unfortunately, when the body strikes an infection,this can also lead to stomatitis. It can be herpetic, infectious and fungal stomatitis. This is just the case when the question from the previous paragraph about whether stomatitis is infectious or not, is as acute as possible. It is under such conditions that the answer will be positive. And the disease is transmitted very easily and quickly enough.
This kind of stomatitis is a hugedanger for babies and small children. After all, if you do not provide the necessary medical treatment, the infection will overcome other internal organs: esophagus, nasal passages, pharynx.
How is it transmitted?
Is stomatitis contagious in children? Unfortunately yes.If viral stomatitis was caused by influenza, parainfluenza, chickenpox, adenovirus or herpes virus, then it will spread almost instantly in the children's environment. It can be transmitted through common toys, cutlery, dishes, towels, hygiene items, household items. This is typical for kindergartens, where kids can mix up their towels, and toys in groups, of course, are common.
At first, the baby can havelethargy, headache. It can be weak, heat is observed, and in children the temperature can reach 41 degrees. It takes only a couple of days, and in the mouth there is burning and pain. The burning sensation will intensify when the baby swallows and eats. At his mouth gradually appear bubbles, which, after they burst, form large enough in size ulcerous growths, covered with a film of whitish color.
Dangerous period of time
To properly take the necessary security measures, it is important to know what the duration is, when the beginning and end of the period during which you can get infected.
So, on average, this disease runs from aboutfive to ten days. Of course, all this time, the danger remains. Doctors believe that these days it is very easy for the carrier to share the disease with others. At the end of this period, all manifestations and symptoms pass and the danger of infection basically disappears. But we should not forget about the incubation (preliminary) period. Although there are no symptoms and manifestations yet, but the disease is already developing at full speed and the carrier is able to infect the others. This period lasts five to seven days. But sometimes up to two weeks and even (in some cases) up to seventeen days. If the conversation is about newborns and crumbs at the age of just a few months old, then in this case the preliminary period is only three days.
Aphthous stomatitis
Considering this kind of stomatitis, it is impossible notask a painful question: is aphthous stomatitis contagious or not? About this kind of pathology, we can say only one thing: it is the safest for the surrounding sick person, because from the carrier in the majority of cases can not be transferred. And still, if a healthy person had contact with a sick person, the most correct action would be taking the necessary precautions. This should be done due to the fact that in some cases this kind of disease can occur against the background of a viral infection. Therefore, in addition to the appearance in the mouth, mucous, ulcers (or aft), you can see the general redness and inflammation, especially in the throat.
Viruses and aphthae
In this case, others may well become infectedthe most viral infection, because at the time when the sores have already appeared, the initial infection still has the strength to find a new potential carrier: the infection is still transmitted by airborne droplets when a person coughs, sneezes or just talks.
The question of whether stomatitis in children is contagious or not,worries all parents of children of any age. So, as for aphthous stomatitis, it is contagious in newborn babies and crumbs up to six months of age, provided a traumatic path of occurrence. When the baby is still very small, local immunity in the oral cavity does not work for him. Therefore, there is a certain risk of getting sick.
Adults and stomatitis
Despite the fact that adults know a lot and manyread, they still do not like to be ill even with those diseases, which are well-informed. But stomatitis is unpleasant to them, as well as to kids. Therefore, they care, but is it contagious for stomatitis in adults? The answer in this case is very simple and concise. The more chronic diseases in the adult's body at the time of contact with the baby, who became ill with stomatitis, the greater the risk of contracting. The most dangerous are diabetes and tuberculosis. If the local blood supply of the oral cavity is reduced by 100 percent or even in some areas, the risk of infection is much higher.
Preventive actions
As it became clear, the answer to the question,Whether a stomatitis is infectious or not, there will be a statement that stomatitis is a contagious disease. Therefore, parents should make sure that their chudushko does not communicate at all, or minimize the child's contact with a sick stomatitis crumb. And since the pathogens of this infection are transmitted very simply - when coughing, sneezing, airborne droplets, with a kiss, then such security measures will be quite superfluous.
If suddenly it was not possible to completely protect yourself, thenThe oral cavity can be rinsed with decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, sage. If there are wounds, then you can use rosehip oil or sea-buckthorn as a wound-healing agent plus an oil solution of vitamin A. You can treat wounds with oxolin ointment.
In the case when the disease is already "on the threshold," you should drink as much liquid as possible, herbal medicinal herbs and fruit juices.
And in order not to be treated for stomatitis, it is better to immediately exclude bad habits - smoking, drinking (this is for adults), you should observe the oral hygiene and often wash your hands with soap.