/ / "Nitrofungin Teva" from nail fungus. Patient Reviews

"Nitrofungin Teva" from the fungus of the nails. Patient Reviews

Medical statistics suggest thatevery second inhabitant of our planet faces the problems of fungal diseases. And the treatment is often delayed for a long time. It is necessary to deal with the elimination of this problem immediately with the appearance of the first symptoms, without waiting for the further development of mycosis. Since the disease started much worse treatment. This article provides feedback and description of Nitrofungin-Teva from nail fungus.

nitrofungin teva from nail fungus reviews


Solution "Nitrofungin-Teva" is intendedespecially for the treatment of nail fungus and provides complete recovery without recurrent factors. The release of the drug is engaged in the Israeli company "Teva". The subject of our conversation today is precisely the above mentioned medication.

Composition and pharmacokinetics

According to patients, "Nitrofungin-Teva" fromnail fungus helps pretty well. The active ingredient of this drug is chlorinitrophenol. Water, triethylene glycol and 96% ethanol are used as auxiliary components. The drug is available in the form of a clear solution of yellow or yellow-green color. The medicine has a characteristic smell of ethyl alcohol. Brown glass vials with a volume of 25 ml are on sale. The active ingredient of the drug is derived from undecylenic acid (a means that suppresses gram-positive and gram-negative microbes).

The drug has a depressant effect onThe following types of fungi: microsporum, trichophyton, candida albicans. This drug is prescribed for such diseases as: trichophytosis, candidiasis of skin tissues, ruberitis and fungal diseases of the feet. Also, its use is justified with the activation of the fungus in the external auditory canal, in the diagnosis of chubby or ringworm, microsporia, fungal lesions of the groin area. This is confirmed by reviews of "Nitrofungin-Teva" from nail fungus.

nitrofungin teva from nail fungus patient reviews

Mechanism of action

Active component of the drugblocks the synthesis of ergosterol. The absence of this substance destroys the cell membrane of the pathogen mycosis. Defective parasitizing cells accumulate toxic substances, which leads to the death of pathogenic flora.

pharmachologic effect

Medicinal solution affects the affectedpatches of skin and nail plates in several directions at once, providing antifungal, antiseptic, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.

Продолжая описывать, отзывы и инструкцию к "Nitrofungin-Teva" from nail fungus, it should be said, many patients noticed that the tool quickly copes with itching and burning. But it acts only on the upper layer of the dermis, does not penetrate the skin and does not enter the systemic circulation. The impact of the means is characterized by the fact that it has the ability to destroy not only fungi, but also various pathogenic bacteria. Of course, such a predominant factor, the drug allocates on the background of other antifungal drugs. The ability to influence pathogenic bacteria allows to treat onychomycosis, complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection of the nail plate.

Instructions for use

According to reviews of "Nitrofungin-Teva" from nail fungus,The nail plates themselves must be prepared before applying the product: remove the decorative coating, steam your feet in warm water with soda and soap. A hot bath helps to soften the nail and it will be easier to remove. The edge of the nail plate is cut with nail scissors, and the affected areas, to which it is difficult to get cleaned with a nail file.

 Nitrofungin teva from nail fungus reviews and description

After this treatment, the foot or hand mustrinse under running water and wipe dry with a napkin. Next, it is recommended to treat the affected area using a dropper attached to the vial. Squeeze out a few drops of the solution and apply on the nail with a cotton swab. Judging by the reviews of "Nitrofungin-Teva" from nail fungus, this procedure produces a considerable positive effect.

Treatment should be repeated two to three times a day.day, every day, for four to five weeks until the disappearance of signs of mycosis. As a result of therapy, the symptoms of the disease are eliminated and the nail plate is strengthened, which takes on its normal shape and structure, stratification stops and thickening is eliminated.

With the preventive purpose of the druguse within a month two or three times a week. If the patient has a high sensitivity to the components of the product, it can be diluted in a 50/50 ratio with distilled water. If the ear canal is damaged, the medicine is instilled into the auricle. In this case, it is usually enough to bury two to three days in one drop in each auricle every day. Before use, consultation of the otolaryngologist is necessary.

nitrofungin teva from nail fungus reviews and instructions

Contraindications and side effects

Judging by the reviews, "Nitrofungin-Teva" from the fungusnails are not prescribed to children. The age at which you can apply the medicine must be checked with your doctor. In addition, it should not be used by people with severe intolerance to medicinal components. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug can be used if the doctor believes that the benefits of it will outweigh the possible harm to the fetus or newborn.

The side effects are usuallyitching, burning, dry skin, photodermatitis, rash, etc. To stop these symptoms, it is enough to stop the application of the solution. If the product is on healthy skin, it must be removed with eucalyptus oil and then rinsed under running water. When the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract, the patient has nausea, vomiting, and severe arousal. In this case, symptomatic treatment is indicated, that is, it is necessary to flush the stomach.

 nitrofungin teva from nail fungus application reviews

Than to replace?

Use analogues "Nitrofungin-Teva"it is advisable in case of intolerance of medicinal components or with the ineffectiveness of the treatment. Equivalents of funds are: Mikolak, Lamisil, Clotrimazole, Exoderil, Terbinafin, etc. The Swiss agent Exoderil has a similar effect, but naftifine hydrochloride is an active active ingredient. It can not be used if there are open wounds on the skin and in acute sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug "Clotrimazole", produced in Poland,also very effective on fungal diseases. Israeli Terbinafin with the same indications and similar effects has one feature: it comes in the form of an aerosol, which is rare for this category of drugs.

This tool has Russian counterparts,for example, "nihlofen". It contains the same active ingredient as the original drug. This tool is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Marbiofarm. Another analogue created by Russian specialists is called “Nikhlorgin”. It is also made on the basis of the same active component. These are all the most well-known analogues of Nitrofungin-Teva from nail fungus.

nitrofungin teva from nail fungus reviews and instructions for use

Feedback on application

According to the testimony of patients who used totreating fungal infections of this drug, it is impossible to make a clear conclusion that it is good or bad. After analyzing the information, we came to the conclusion that in most cases the drug copes with the fungus, but has its own significant drawbacks. First, a large group of patients noted the duration of use before improvement occurred. Secondly, the disadvantage is allergic reactions, mainly expressed by rash. So many had to treat not only the fungus, but also to get rid of these manifestations.

This completes our review of reviews and instructions on the use of Nitrofungin-Teva from nail fungus. So the choice is yours and your doctor!