/ / The drug "Alpha D3-Teva": reviews and instructions for use

The drug "Alpha D3-Teva": reviews and instructions for use

Препарат «Альфа Д3-Тева» относится к medicines that regulate the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body, increasing their absorption in the intestine, increasing the content of minerals in the bone tissue and normalizing the level of parathyroid hormone in the blood.

The medicine is in the form of capsules for internal use.

Properties of the drug "Alpha D3-Teva"

Отзывы говорят о высокой эффективности средства, which metabolizes vitamin D3, transformed in bone tissues and liver into calcitriol and plays an important role in the regulation of the homeostasis of phosphorus and calcium in the body.

Medication "Alfa-D3-Teva" normalizes the balancecalcium and restores its necessary concentration, thereby strengthening the bones and reducing the likelihood of fractures. With the use of the drug, the severity of bone and muscle pains resulting from violations of phosphorus and calcium metabolism decreases, muscle activity and strength increase, coordination of movements comes to normal.

In contrast to natural natural vitamin D3the transformation of the substance "Alpha D3-Teva" is not done in the kidneys, so the drug is safe for patients with kidney pathologies, as well as for osteoporosis, accompanied by a decreased activity of renal 1-alpha-hydroxylase.

Indications for taking medication "Alpha D3-Teva"

Reviews of therapists recommend usingmedicine for hypophosphatemic vitamin D-resistant rickets, hypoparathyroidism. Capsules are taken with osteodystrophy, which develops against a background of chronic renal insufficiency, as well as in osteomalacia, which is due to a low level of absorption during post-gastroectomy syndrome or malabsorption.

При стероидном, постменопаузном, сенильном и Other types of osteoporosis are also prescribed medication "Alpha D3". The instruction contains information about treatment by medication of elderly patients who receive medication to strengthen bones, restore coordination. As a result of its application, bone and muscle pains decrease. Capsule reception is indicated when alpha 1 globulins are elevated in the blood. The drug gives a good effect in the treatment of rachitis-like diseases, requiring correction of the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium.

Contraindications to taking the drug "Alpha D3-Teva"

Experts do not recommend usingmedicine for hyperphosphatemia, hypercalcemia, hypermagnesia (increased content of phosphorus, magnesium or calcium in the body). Do not prescribe treatment for patients with oversaturation of the body with vitamin D, up to intoxication, as well as with increased sensitivity to this substance.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity and intolerance to the body of the components of the drug (alfacalcidol or auxiliary substances).

Запрещено использовать препарат при грудном feeding. In general, this medicine is prescribed for children only after six years with a body weight of more than 20 kg. During pregnancy, treatment is performed only when absolutely necessary and with the certainty that the benefits of using the medication will exceed the possible risk of abnormalities in fetal development.

Side effects of the drug "Alpha D3-Teva"

Reviews patients taking the medicine talk aboutthe presence of side effects. In some cases, the treatment may come hypercalcemia, nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, and general weakness. Patients after using the drug may experience heartburn, diarrhea or constipation, anorexia.

Many people in their reviews about the capsules "Alpha D3" talk about the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​epigastria, severe sleepiness, dizziness.

Adverse effects manifest astachycardias, allergic reactions (itching, swelling, redness), anaphylactic shock caused by exposure to the drug excipient, peanut oil, and the appearance of moderate pain in the joints, bones and muscles.