Unfortunately, the overall picture of qualityThe vast majority of alcoholic beverages sold in stores are very sad. Taking part in the feasts, pay close attention to what you are treated to. Many owners do not drink alcohol themselves and take cheap alcoholic drinks for guests. And then the guests are asked in the mornings with the question "how to quickly remove alcohol from the body?" And the statistics of such cases is rather disappointing. So, if alcohol inspires suspicion, refrain from taking it.
The hardest hangovers are anysparkling wines, as well as spirits, obtained with the help of prolonged infusion and aging. Red wine, which contains a large amount of tyramine, can cause severe headache. In addition, low-quality cheap alcohol contains many impurities (esters and fusel oils associated with ethyl alcohol). When mixing several types of alcoholic beverages, the amount of toxins increases many times. But if alcoholic beverages are of high quality and are taken in moderate doses, then the morning question about how to quickly remove alcohol from the body, in many ways loses its relevance.
The main cause of ill health after taking alcohol
The state of the alcohol hangover afterdrinking alcohol causes acetaldehyde, which is formed in the liver. This substance causes pulsating pains in the head, severe thirst and dry mouth, alternation of chills with fever, dizziness, unstable blood pressure, irregular heartbeat. As acetaldehyde decomposes into less toxic components, the state of hangover begins to weaken. Thus, the rate of elimination of alcohol from the body depends on the health of the liver and the rate of acetaldehyde decomposition. In general, alcohol is eliminated from the body rather slowly. If you drank a bottle of vodka, then full sobriety will come no earlier than 20 hours.
In addition to physical ailments in the statehangover can manifest itself and mental disorders. A state of anxiety, irritability, aggression may appear. The main thing - keep calm. You need to know that all these effects of alcohol will gradually go away. And here it is very important how to sleep well, providing the body with complete peace. To avoid depression in a state of hangover, you can relax in the shade by the river or lake in the morning, watching nature.
Too often, people wondered how to quickly remove alcohol from the body. You should moderate the dose or even abandon the addiction.
Drugs that accelerate the removal of alcohol from the body
Then we will discuss how to cleanse the body of alcohol with the help of drugs.
For accelerated removal of alcohol from the bodyYou can take the drug "Zorex". It activates the oxidation process for ethyl alcohol, converts harmful substances into non-toxic complexes, which are subsequently excreted in the urine. The drug is taken for half an hour before meals. Zorex is ideal for both alcohol abuse and chronic alcoholism.
You do not know how to quickly remove alcohol from the body? Perfectly suitable drug "Glutargin", which provides a pronounced sobering effect and rapid removal of toxic substances.
A characteristic potassium deficiency is quickly replenished by taking asparkam or panangin. If these drugs are not available, you can use regular brine.
In the state of a hangover, the body may lackof vitamins C and B. Therefore, it is not bad to drink 0.5-1 l of lemon, pomegranate or orange juice in the morning. A fruit juice taken on an empty stomach can cause the urge to empty the bowel, which is also very useful in cleansing the body from alcohol. Nicotinic and ascorbic acid, Riboxin will help well.
Brewer's yeast and the drug "Glycine" help the body to restore metabolism.