/ / "Gray bandits", or How to get mice out of the house? Good advice

"Gray bandits," or How to get mice out of the house? Good advice

Mice in the house - this is a problem pohlesche many.After all, getting rid of rodent pests is not so easy. Penetrating into our dwelling, they quickly adapt, find a suitable place for reproduction. Two or three days - and the house is already teeming with rodents! What to do? In this article, you will learn how to remove rats and mice from your home.

how to get mice out of the house

Remember that home rodents are very fertile, so you should take measures to destroy them, as soon as you have found traces of the presence of these parasites.

How to get mice out of the house?

  1. One of the most effective methods of combatingthese rodents are special poisoned baits. In principle, rats and mice are very cautious beasts, but their constant desire to fill their insatiable womb before dumping force you to wander in different places and there is everything you can!
  2. At one time people used mousetraps-traps.They wonderfully solved the problem of how to get mice out of the apartment. However, over time, rodents (especially rats) have adapted and become accustomed to such a trivial device. Often these traps become unnecessary after the capture of 2-3 animals in them. The fact is that before death, rats and mice are given special pheromones, which inform their relatives about the danger that threatens them. As is known, they communicate with each other by ultrasonic waves, so their large colonies eventually no longer pay attention to mousetraps, bypassing them.
    how to get mice out of the apartment
  3. This may seem ridiculous, but even today'scats and cats know firsthand how to get mice out of the house! With this easily cope even kitten 2 months old! And he does not even need to make any efforts to do this. The fact is that rats and mice quite sensitively feel the cat's smell, which is a wonderful repeller for them at all times!
  4. If you are an advocate of innovativemethods, the next way, telling us how to get mice out of the house (and rats too), is just for you! This is a modern and effective ultrasonic repeller. It is not cheap, but it also works, as they say, "on conscience". This is a completely silent device that does not have a negative effect on the human body and pets. Only rodents suffer from it. As a result of the operation of this device, they do not perish, but disappear from your house once and for all!
    bring out rats and mice
  5. If all of the above methods are not for yousoul, and you still do not know how to get mice out of the house, we advise you to seek help from specialists. They will conduct in your apartment (home) professional deratization, consisting of a thorough examination of the premises with the help of special equipment. When the habitat of rodents is determined, the point of their penetration into your dwelling will be found. After this, professionals will begin to eliminate rodents and their further execution. In the course are the latest active agents, with the help of which complete cleaning and elimination of mice will be carried out in your dwelling.