/ / How to remove excess water from the human body

How to remove excess water from the human body

The human body is eighty percent water. Excess fluid leads to edema, weight gain. So the body signals us that its work began to malfunction.

how to remove excess water from the body
Therefore, when symptoms of excess fluid accumulate, a doctor should be consulted.

One of the reasons for the accumulation of fluid can beimproper diet and excessive salt intake. The same consequences result from excessive consumption of liquids in the form of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, etc. These drinks often replace ordinary drinking water, which is extremely unhealthy.

How to remove excess water from the body and makeit is right? The daily rate of fluid intake is about 2-2.5 liters. So you need to drink a little, but often. It is recommended to use clean water. Minimize the consumption of salty foods (chips, nuts to beer, salted fish, sausages). Most of the water should be drunk before six o'clock in the evening. By reviewing your diet, you can achieve good results.

If you use popular methods, you canlearn how to remove water from the body quickly. To this end, you can include in your diet foods that contain potassium. These are dried fruits, sea kale, peas, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, as well as cabbage, eggplants, apples and nuts. In these products, salt is practically absent.

how to remove excess fluid from the body
Best with the task of how to get the extrafluid from the body, copes watermelon. It not only contributes to the removal of excess water, but also cleans the kidneys well, improves their work. It is advisable to arrange fasting watermelon days once a week. In the spring, birch sap will help the body. This wonderful drink well removes salt and slag. In summer, birch sap can be replaced with green tea, it not only perfectly quenches thirst, but is also a light diuretic. Admittedly, green tea and karkade tea are more beneficial than black ones.

Few people like breakfast porridge, but in vain.After all, rice and oatmeal porridge also "know" how to remove excess water from the body. Rice contains a lot of potassium and a small amount of sodium, which contributes to good water removal. Professional athletes do not accidentally arrange rice days for themselves. They eat only unsalted rice porridge for several days.

How to remove excess water from the body, with easelovers of baths and saunas can answer. Heat expels water and salt well with sweat. In addition, a systematic visit to the bath and sauna will help reduce weight. It would not be superfluous to recall the physical exertion. Exercise accelerates metabolism, promotes the removal of fluid through the sweat glands. Morning exercise increases the intensity of processes in the body, providing a positive charge for the whole day.

how to remove water from the body quickly
Useful activities such as running, walking, aerobics.

If there is a serious situation and needurgently remove fluid from the body, in this case, you can use drugs. But these pills contribute to the flushing out of the body of magnesium, calcium, potassium, so first consult with your doctor.

All proposed remedies have different effects.on the human body. You need to use different methods in order to find the right one for you. And in this case, the question of how to remove excess water from the body will not bother you.