/ / The best vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness: reviews

The best vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness: reviews

The modern rhythm of life dictates its conditionssurvival. Haste, improper eating, conflicts at work and at home. Not surprisingly, in such an environment, many of us are in a state of chronic stress, irritable, unbalanced, suffering from migraine and insomnia. Correctly selected vitamin-mineral complex will help to solve this problem.

Chronic fatigue and its causes

The balance of nutrients in the body decides what our health will be like. According to WHO, about 70% of the adult population of the Russian Federation lacks micronutrients in the diet.

The popularity of veganism, vegetarianism, curativestarvation and raw food have played a cruel joke: people wanted to become healthier, and as a result, many of them received only chronic fatigue and more serious health problems. All due to the fact that the diet lacks the necessary amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

vitamins from fatigue and depression

Magnesium is recognized as an "element of good mood",has the ability to give energy and strengthen immunity, increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, fight with chronic fatigue, normalize sleep. You can change your diet by including food rich in these nutrients. But what if the person is on a diet or does not like to eat monotonously? In this case vitamins will come to the rescue from fatigue.

Nutrition for vivacity and stress resistance

It has long been known that magnesium is needed to strengthen the nervous system and a stable mental state. Deficiency of this microelement contributes to the emergence of depression. Food sources of magnesium:

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, pistachios).
  • Rabbit meat, veal, beef.
  • Fish, especially red (pink salmon, trout, salmon).

To make up for a daily dose of magnesium, you needeat about 200 grams of nuts, about 300 grams of fish and as much meat. Such a diet is very costly for a purse, and it can not be called dietary.

content of vitamins in foods

Products rich in vitamins B6 and B1:

  • Sprouted wheat.
  • Yeast.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Sardine, mackerel.
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts).

If you include all these foods in your diet aton a daily basis, you will get a high caloric value, and the cost of this healthy food is not cheap. How can we quench the need for trace elements and vitamins from fatigue and drowsiness? In the modern world, pharmaceutical companies come to the rescue.

What vitamins from fatigue and weakness can be purchased at the pharmacy

Such drugs can be easily bought inany point of our country. Every modern person periodically drinks the course of vitamins from fatigue. Reviews in this case are only positive. Almost all people note improvement in general condition, vivacity, normalization of sleep, decrease in appetite, good mood.

Coming to the pharmacy, an inexperienced consumer canget confused, because of the abundance of drugs just run your eyes! To choose a vitamin-mineral complex that is right for you, you need to know some features in the composition and purpose.

vitamins from drowsiness

There are vitamins for athletes (in themmanufacturers usually add a complex of amino acids), there are for nursing mothers (with high content of omega-3), there is for school children and students (necessarily contain lecithin, a lot of calcium and lutein). Prices vary from 200 to 2000 rubles per package. If the goal is to pick up vitamins from fatigue and weakness, then you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include a high content of magnesium, iron, pyridoxine, thiamine. Here is a short list of such complexes:

  • "Berrock Plus."
  • "Pantocrinus."
  • "Supradin".
  • "Magne-B6".
  • "Bion-3."
  • The Enerion.

Vitamin complexes of domestic production

In Russia, the cost of production and packaging of drugslower than in many other countries. Buying vitamins of domestic production, you can save. If you want to try popular foreign dietary supplements and complexes, they can be ordered in online stores. The cost will be slightly more expensive than buying the same "Berroca Plus" or "Pantocrine", but it's better to try different drugs, including imported ones, and find out what is right for you.

benefits of vitamins

Reviews about the complex "Enerion"

This is an excellent preparation of domestic production.In addition to magnesium and auxiliary substances (lactose, starch, povidone, polysorbate), it contains 200 mg of sulbutiamine. This substance in its molecular formula is very similar to thiamine. For the psyche and the nervous system, this vitamin works just miracles! Thanks to this composition, "Enerion" can be called the best vitamins for fatigue.

The effect of taking, according to consumers' reviews:

  • A significant reduction in asthenia and hypochondria,
  • normalization of sleep (can be taken for the prevention and treatment of insomnia).
  • Even mental state.
  • Cheerfulness and desire to do business.
  • Reduction of symptoms of psychosomatic diseases.

Reviews about "Berroca Plus"

This is a very popular drug.He bribes his team. It has the whole complex of B vitamins (thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, nicotinic and folic acids, biotin), magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium. All these components are necessary for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. The manufacturer positions Berroca Plus as vitamins from stress and spleen.

Those who received this complex have noted more thanhealthy emotional background. They have decreased irritability, their psychological state has leveled, they have a desire to rejoice, to work, to communicate with people around them.

The downsides of this drug are quite high price. The course for a month will cost you about a thousand rubles. For a permanent effect, it is recommended to drink two or three courses.

Unusual drug "Pantocrin"

Be sure to try this tool.Its composition is enriched with an extract from the horns of young spotted deer or red deer. Reception "Pantocrinum" is indicated for the treatment (as an aid) and the prevention of many diseases. If you are looking for vitamins for fatigue and weakness for women, pay attention to this drug!

The main advantage of Pantocrinum isthe content of a large number of amino acids that are necessary for the human body for metabolic processes. Therefore, as an additional effect from the reception, you will get excellent condition of the skin and hair, and also easier to lose weight. In addition, Pantocrinum contains many vitamins and minerals that increase the rate of metabolism and strengthen the nervous system.

supradin for fatigue

Reviews about "Supradin" in soluble form

This popular complex can deservedly be called"king of vitamins". For over a decade, he has been a leader in sales. This preparation is produced in soluble and tablet form. Recommended for use by both men and women.

Despite the popularity of the tool, reviews about"Supradine" ambiguous. Basically, they praise the form of release in effervescent tablets, which must be dissolved in a glass of pure water before taking. This method of use allows you to better absorb the minerals. In addition, when dissolved in water, a fragrant sweet drink is obtained.

vitamins and vigor

Благодаря высокому содержанию магния (21,2 мг), thiamine (20 mg), pyridoxine (10 mg), nicotinic acid (50 mg) "Supradin" can be positioned as vitamins for fatigue and weakness. Athletes who like to add it to their diet, as this wonderful preparation gives a burst of energy and increases vigor, improves recovery after training due to its excellent composition.

Reviews of "Bione-3"

In addition to the complex of vitamins and minerals, the compositionThis complex includes lacto-and bifidobacteria. Probiotics quickly and effectively normalize the activity of the intestine, even after taking antibiotics. "Bion-3" is recommended for women in the period of premenstrual syndrome, to strengthen immunity in the season when there is an increase in colds, to prevent anemia and iron deficiency, to eliminate drowsiness and fatigue. These are the best vitamins for women from fatigue.

Reviews of the drug "Bion-3", mainlypositive. Almost everyone who accepts this complex is satisfied with it. Of the minuses - the price is quite high (about 900 rubles for 30 tablets). During the reception it was noted:

  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract (thanks to the constituent probiotics).
  • Cheerfulness, a surge of strength.
  • Stable good mood and reduced irritability.
  • The absence of infectious diseases (due to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract improves immunity).

B vitamins with chronic fatigue and stress

In Soviet times, neurologists were very fondprescribe courses of intramuscular injection of thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid. Vitamins for fatigue and weakness can not be in its composition of these components. Now the times have changed, the pharmacology has gone far ahead, so the need for intramuscular injection has disappeared. Neyromultivit, Milgamma, Pentovit, Kombilipen can be purchased at any pharmacy. All these drugs belong to the pharmacotherapeutic group "Vitamins and vitamin-like agents". They are often prescribed for serious disorders in the central nervous system.

Let us consider in more detail the action and functions of each of the B vitamins:

  • Thiamine (B1) - improves communication between neurons, normalizes metabolism, reduces the toxic effects of alcohol and tobacco, and maintains the tone of the heart muscle.
  • Рибофлавин (В2) - укрепляет иммунитет, помогает with acne and dermatitis, supports the synthesis of glycogen, promotes the absorption of iron, improves liver regeneration with alcohol abuse, and alleviates the state of toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) - accelerates tissue regeneration, improves complexion, normalizes metabolism, affects movement coordination and speed of reaction.
  • Никотиновая кислота (РР) - нормализует blood circulation, accelerates the growth of hair and nails, activates metabolic processes (which is especially important for people suffering from excess weight), affects the sleep phase (helps to establish a healthy night's sleep).
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - increases visual acuity, normalizes the nervous conductivity of tissues, facilitates the flow of premenstrual syndrome, reduces nervousness and irritability.
vitamins and minerals

Which vitamin complex to choose

It is not enough to analyze the composition,Read the instructions and read the reviews. To fully answer the question of which vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness are the best, you need to try several complexes. Each of us is individual. That one person will fit one hundred percent, give vigor, sound sleep and calm, can cause a lot of unpleasant feelings for another.

If one vitamin and mineral complex personallyyou did not fit, try another. You may have a shortage of magnesium. Then it is worth to drink "Magne-B6". And, perhaps, for you would be the best choice "Supradin." Do not be afraid to experiment with vitamins. Only in this way can you find the perfect complex for yourself.