/ / "Super-energy komplivit with ginseng": reviews, composition, indication and contraindications

"Complicates super-energy with ginseng": reviews, composition, indications and contraindications

Vitamins "Komplivit super-energy with ginseng"recommended as dietary supplement. The constituent components are able to increase physical and mental activity, adaptation. Taking supplements reduces the risk of developing chronic fatigue.

Super energy with ginseng reviews

Dosage form

"Super-energy komplivit" is produced in the form of effervescent tablets weighing 4.5 grams. Nutritional value of one tablet 8 kilocalories.


In its composition "Complivit super-energy with ginseng" contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • niacin;
  • vitamin b1-12;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • carnitine;
  • ginseng root extract;
  • folic acid;
  • selenium.

In the composition of the tablets are dyes, sweeteners, flavorings.

Complicate super energy with ginseng instruction


Take one tablet in the morning before meals. Pre-pill is dissolved in a glass of water.

Pharmacological action

Modern loads on the human bodyrequire additional energy, taking vitamin and mineral complexes. According to the instructions "Complivit super-energy with ginseng", contains all the necessary components to enhance physical and mental activity. Included elements contribute to the rapid recovery of performance after prolonged grueling loads. Also BAA facilitates the process of adaptation of the organism to the resulting stressful conditions.

"Complivit" is an additional source of vitamin C, so people are less likely to suffer from colds, they have a more stable immunity. Also, the additive contributes to:

  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • normalization of oxygen delivery to the cells of the body;
  • restoration of the functioning of the central nervous system and PNS;
  • improvement of blood formation;
  • the development of epithelial cells;
  • normalization of metabolism.

Folic acid, which is a part, takes an active part in the production of amino acids, improves tissue regeneration.

Selenium present in the dietary supplement hasantioxidant action. This substance can reduce the negative impact on the body of irritating factors: environmental, stress, chemical. This substance also has a protective effect when heavy metals enter the body. Reception of "Complivit" reduces the growth of the development of cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases.

Special production technologies allowed to combine the most different vitamins and minerals in one preparation. So, vitamin C and selenium can improve the adaptation of the body to extreme conditions.

Carnitine is present.This substance is involved in the metabolism of the body, as well as in the synthesis of muscle tissue. This substance activates fat metabolism, increasing physical activity. After taking the dietary supplement, it returns to working capacity, and, moreover, it persists for a long time. L-carnitine reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the risk of developing a number of vascular pathologies.

Vitamins Complivit super energy with ginseng


Judging reviews of "Compass super-energy withginseng, you need to be careful with the additive, as there are a number of contraindications. The drug should not be taken by people suffering from insomnia, with increased nervous excitability. It is forbidden to take dietary supplements in the presence of hypertension, as well as pregnant and lactating women.


According to some reviews, “Complet super-energy with ginseng” does not help and does not give energy. Although these characteristics are few. The majority of people respond positively about dietary supplements.

"Complivit" perfectly helps against fatigue. People say that from the first day of taking vitamins, there was a surge of energy. There are stories in which it is argued that the drug helped to overcome stress.

There are reviews of "Complivit super-energy with ginseng", which talk about how the tool helped to cope with acne and skin diseases. Others say that they have become less likely to get sick with ARVI.

Reviews about Complite Super Energy with GinsengThey say that the drug has become a favorite for many people who have tried dietary supplements. Many felt an increase in mental activity by the end of the day at work. There are a lot of such reviews about "Super-energy Complive with Ginseng".

Complicate super energy with ginseng composition

Special instructions and side effects

Before you start taking dietary supplements, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Do not take the drug after the expiration date.

Long-term use may cause a laxative effect.