/ How to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness?

How to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness?

The modern rhythm of life spares no one.Every day many people ask themselves: "How to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness?" Regular ailments eventually become chronic. It is important not to run and start fighting against laziness and drowsiness on time. After all, they are the main enemies of your excellent state of health and maximum efficiency. After all, otherwise you will have to look for the answer to another question: "How to get rid of fatigue syndrome?"

Drowsiness: signs and causes

Recognize this ailment is very simple. A person simply always wants to sleep or rest. There is no desire to work.

how to get rid of constant fatigue

The main causes of drowsiness:

  • Disturbed sleep. A person does not have time to recover in a short time. His body needs more than six hours of sleep per day.
  • The syndrome of nocturnal apnea.A person's rest is eight hours. However, he does not have time to rest. Blame all short-term stops of breathing, which cause a person to wake up in the middle of the night. But you do not remember this and think that eight hours a day for rest is not enough. But it's all about the quality of sleep.
  • There is no energy. We receive it mainly with eating. Absorbing "empty" calories, we only gain weight, but do not give the body the opportunity to stock up energy.
  • Depression and nervous breakdowns. Stressful situations keep you constantly in suspense, not allowing you to relax. And this, in turn, does not allow a qualitative rest for the body at night.
  • Excessive consumption of coffee.This drink in moderate amounts will preserve the liveliness of the mind. But the use of coffee in large doses loosens your nervous system. That eventually leads to exhaustion: the desire to sleep is present, but there is no opportunity to do it.

Tips for getting rid of sleepiness

It makes no sense to talk about the put 7-8 hourssleep. Units can afford such a long night's rest. But do we all need this eight-hour dream? It often happens that we wake up in the morning, force ourselves to dive into the arms of Morpheus again. Or on a day off try to prolong our night rest as much as possible. This is the error. Do not be afraid to start working at four or five in the morning. If your body finds it necessary to wake you up at this time, then he has rested and is ready for work. However, to wake up and stand up if your dream is disturbed is not the same thing. Therefore, try to rest in a completely dark room. Waking up, drink a glass of water. Do an easy exercise or a short jog in the fresh air.

Correct your diet. Try to ensure that the diet is dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables. Replace sweets with dried fruits, try to eat seafood, sea cabbage more often.

 how quickly to get rid of fatigue

Drink a course of vitamins.

Give up coffee. He, though, gives a short-term cheerfulness, but does not endow him with power. Therefore, it is better to replace coffee with briar infusion.

Fatigue: signs and causes

Another unpleasant human disease.If you have already asked yourself how to get rid of fatigue, then it's time to understand its causes. They can be in fact a lot. But the main factors provoking such a phenomenon are the following:

  • Low or poor quality of sleep.The first option is a rest at night less than seven hours. A low-quality dream is, albeit lasting, but alarming or with frequent interruptions. In other words, it is a rest during which the body and mind of a person do not have time or can not completely relax.
  • The state of anxiety or panic. Stress at work, depression keeps the nervous system of a person in constant tension, not allowing it to properly rest.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Unbalanced diet or abuse of any product, for example, coffee.
  • The use of small amounts of clean drinking water.

How to get rid of the feeling of fatigue

No treatment should be started without knowing the cause of the disease. That's why to find out how to get rid of fatigue, you need to determine the factor that activated it.

how to get rid of fatigue

A universal means of fatigue, which will suit everyone, is taking a bath. Warm water with the addition of medicinal herbs will help to relax. Possible options:

  • With sea salt. Collect water, the temperature of which is about thirty-five degrees. Dissolve in it a handful of sea salt. Lie in a bath for about twenty minutes.
  • With milk and honey.About this bath took Cleopatra. Prepare it quite simple. Collect a bath of warm, but not hot water. Separate boil a liter of fatty milk. Then melt the spoon of honey in it. This mixture is added to water, mix. Lie in the bathroom for about half an hour.
  • With herbs.The recipe for this bath is simple: pour three tablespoons of dry raw material with warm water. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Herbs can be chosen independently. For the broth the chamomile, mint, melissa, viburnum, motherwort will suit. To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil of lavender, rosemary, juniper.

Signs and causes of fatigue syndrome

The substance serotonin plays an important role in the human body. There is an opinion that it is because of his lack that a person experiences depression, fatigue and a desire to catch the whole thing sweet.

A person who does not feel a surge of energy afterprolonged rest, definitely does not have the necessary level of serotonin. Ecology can also cause fatigue syndrome. Chronic lack of sleep, daily stressful situations result in complete devastation, deprive a person of strength.

 how to get rid of the feeling of fatigue

The main symptoms of SU are a constant feeling of fatigue and exhaustion of the whole body. Leaving everything as is is in no case impossible. The started stage of the fatigue syndrome will not bring anything good.

How to get rid of constant fatigue

Here the methods should be more serious. How to get rid of fatigue usual and chronic, the expert will perfectly tell. But we do not always have time to see a doctor.

Treatment at home involves takingdrugs without the supervision of doctors. With chronic fatigue, of course, it is more appropriate to consult a specialist. At the reception the doctor will select you individually the drugs.

And at home, overcome the fatigue, lethargy and even drowsiness will help the following medicines:

  • Sedative - normalize sleep.
  • Soothing - restore the mental state.
  • Antidepressants - are struggling with a depressed mood.
  • Painkillers neutralize pain and spasms.
  • Stimulants.
  • Vitamins.

However, it is better to give up medicine and try to restore sleep, start eating right and drinking more pure drinking water.

If you managed to get rid of the syndrome of chronic fatigue, but still the weakness in the body is left, it is better to consult a neurologist.

People's ways of getting rid of fatigue

These methods of treatment are very common, andthe range of their action is much broader. Therefore, eliminating fatigue at home, you are fighting at the same time and with drowsiness. Plus, folk methods are mostly harmless. So how do you get rid of chronic fatigue and drowsiness at home? The answer should be sought in the broths and infusions of various herbs.

how to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness

We list the most popular and effective means used to eliminate fatigue and drowsiness:

  • Rosehips.Dry collection is brewed and taken, like tea, several times a day. In the broth you can not add sugar, but you can put honey. It is also permitted to add a crude black currants, rubbed with sugar (it has already turned into fructose). The course of reception of this broth is at least a month. It is through this period of time that you notice that you have become less tired, and you have increased your strength.
  • Ginger.There are two options for brewing such a tea. The first is very simple. Brew in a cup of tea and cut into it a couple of slices of ginger. Insist a little and boldly drink. The second option will require a little time for harvesting. For cooking, you need extra lemon and honey. Ginger cut into thin slices or grind with a grater. The same should be done with a lemon. Then take a glass jar and lay out the ingredients. Between lemon and ginger, put a thin layer of honey. He will make the other ingredients of this mixture release juice. Then, as necessary, in a cup of tea, you will add two spoons of the resulting product.
  • Herbal decoction. Dried mint boil with boiling water. Let it brew for ten minutes. Express. You can add a spoonful of honey. Drink as a tea.

How to overcome laziness

With this ailment it is much easier to cope than with drowsiness and fatigue. So, how to get rid of laziness and fatigue, if you do not want anything at all? In this struggle, the main thing is your desire.

how to get rid of fatigue syndrome

Ways of motivation:

  • Monitor the results.
  • Think of a reward for which you want to work.
  • Look for something new. Do not work on an established template.
  • Put a motivating picture on the screen saver of your computer or phone.
  • Recollect, than you were inspired in the past.
  • Listen to energetic music, motivating to move.
  • Set a goal and remind yourself daily of it.

General Tips

Sometimes it happens that in the shortest timeit is necessary to be full of strength and collected, no matter what. At such times, if you do not know how to quickly get rid of fatigue, the following tips will come to your rescue:

  • Cope with drowsiness after dinner will helppower change. Try to eat only one meal during your daily meal. But it should not be something sweet or flour. Let it be a salad or soup. Then, if possible, walk a little, and do not sit down immediately at the desk.
  • From time to time, arrange for yourself unloading days. This will be an excellent shake for the body, which is also cleansed.

how to get rid of chronic fatigue and drowsiness

  • Take a walk before going to bed, and also do not forget to ventilate the room before a night rest.
  • Drink plenty of clean water.
  • In addition to taking the liquid inside, make yourself a contrast shower.