/ / Useful and harmful products for the liver

Useful and harmful products for the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs.human body. It has an amazing ability to regenerate: within three weeks, the liver cells are almost completely updated. If you remove a fragment of this body, then the missing part will soon grow in this place. This is what enables the liver to effectively neutralize toxins and regenerate, despite their destructive effects.

But it often happens when the liver is simplyShe does not have time to neutralize all the negative effects that our body undergoes, and then she starts to hurt herself. The main manifestations of liver disease are heaviness in the side, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, skin rash, etc. To help the body in its work, you need to eat foods that benefit the liver.

Recommended Liver Products

The championship among the right products keepspumpkin. All pumpkin dishes are good - stewed pumpkin with other vegetables, pumpkin soup, pancakes, porridge, etc. If there is no pumpkin, then you can eat pumpkin seed oil or pumpkin seeds.

Огромное значение для здоровья печени имеют все vegetables that should be eaten in any form - boiled, stewed, fresh salads with butter. Incredibly useful juices from vegetables - carrot, pumpkin, beet, tomato. Also recommended the use of low-fat dairy products.

Liver products that are also very helpful.- This is a hot liquid dishes: soups from vegetables and all soups, cooked without the addition of fried. You can throw in them lean meat of beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit.

Meat from the most beneficial horse meat, beef and turkey.It is better not to fry the meat, but to use it boiled and stewed. You should not completely give up fatty foods. In small portions, such food not only does not harm, but, on the contrary, is very useful.

Vegetable oils, unlike animal fats,very healthy foods for the liver. They are well absorbed and have a choleretic effect. But it is also not necessary to overdo it, it is advisable to use no more than 3 tablespoons of oil per day.

Useful foods for the liver is desirable to use regularly, and not only when health glitches are already felt.

Products harmful to the liver

In addition to the general benefit, some products are providedharmful effects on the liver. The first harmful effect should be considered alcohol. If you do not care about your own health, you should use it in the smallest possible amounts.

Margarine is unsafe for liver, it is an artificial product with a significant content of dyes and preservatives. We must try to eat foods that do not contain preservatives.

Foods that are harmful to the liver are also onions,garlic and mustard due to its irritant effect. However, in garlic there is selenium, useful for her. Therefore, in the absence of problems with this body, you can use 1-2 cloves of garlic per day.

In case of liver diseases, it is better to refuse eggs, food containing a lot of animal fat, and roast for a while. Instead, you can eat seafood - they have a beneficial effect on the liver.

It is also better to abandon coffee and strong black tea, replacing them with green tea or decoction of chamomile.

Liver Cleansing Products

Какие же из продуктов нужно употреблять для purification of this body? The answer is simple: the main products that clean the liver are vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Every time you eat, you need to eat at least one fresh vegetable or fruit. It is necessary that a sufficient amount of fiber is present in the diet, which is conducive to cleansing the body.

The best proteins are legumes, nuts and fish.Poultry and meat can be consumed, but these products should not be cooked over high heat, since during frying toxic chemical elements are released, which the liver will need to be neutralized. During the period of liver cleansing, it is recommended to drink at least five glasses of green tea daily.