/ / Diet for the liver - the basis for the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis

Diet for the liver - the basis for the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal organstract great importance is given to diet. Its importance is great in the treatment of liver diseases, since no medicine can be more effective than a properly chosen diet for the liver. Among the diseases of this organ most common are chronic hepatitis, less often - cirrhosis. In these diseases, there is damage to the liver tissue, as a result of which it cannot adequately perform its functions - to synthesize protein, participate in fat metabolism, and neutralize various toxins entering the body. The compensatory abilities of the liver are great, but when they are exhausted, progressive liver failure develops, which ends with the development of hepatic coma.

The sick body needs rest in the first placeand good nutrition. This is the diet for the liver. In the diet, first of all, it is necessary to exclude those products that can harm. The liver does not tolerate alcohol, fatty, smoked, fried, spicy foods, canned and semi-finished products, dyes and flavors, fresh pastry made of wheat flour. And what can be eaten with hepatitis and cirrhosis?

Meals should be frequent, at least 5-6 timesper day, but in small portions. The way of preparation matters. Preferred dishes are steamed, boiled, baked and completely excluded fried and smoked. The temperature of food is also important - it should be neither cold nor hot, but only warm.

For normal operation of the organ, recoveryhepatic cells need the use of a sufficient amount of protein. Therefore, a diet for the liver must contain protein products. Daily for diseases you need to consume at least 70-90 grams of protein. You can use low-fat meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts. For the liver is very useful to use cottage cheese, it must be included in the daily menu. Dairy products are preferred in the form of kefir, curdled milk, low-fat fermented milk, but not fat-free.

Of cereals especially recommended buckwheat and oatmeal. These cereals can be cooked for breakfast or as a side dish for main dishes for lunch.

Be sure to in the daily diet of the patient withhepatitis or cirrhosis should be present vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are especially good beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber, necessary for normal peristalsis and digestion, which has a positive effect on the liver. Eggplants should be excluded from use, as they are heavy for the liver. Cabbage of all kinds can be used only with good tolerance. Fresh carrots and carrot juice are not recommended; occasionally eating a small amount of boiled carrots is possible.

A diet for the liver does not limit carbohydrate intake.The use of kissels, compotes, jellies, mousses is recommended. It is good to take fresh fruit juice, honey, baked apples, rosehip decoction, green tea every day.

All the above conditions are met.therapeutic diet in the treatment of liver No. 5. In acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic, a more stringent version of this diet No. 5a is shown, on which the patient must stay for 2-4 weeks, then switch to a diet No. 5.

We looked at how important hepatitis treatment is.cirrhosis diet. Liver in chronic hepatitis, and even more so cirrhosis can not recover and work like a healthy person. But you need to know that dieting can stop the further development of the disease. In such a diet, the patient must be kept permanently in the future.