/ Anesthetic gel for teething. Best teething gel

An anesthetic gel for teething. The best gel for teething

Teething is normalphysiological process, which, however, gives the kids and parents a lot of trouble. The protective functions of a small body are reduced. The baby may become sluggish, often the temperature rises. But most of all the child is worried about the pain in the gums. He becomes moody and cries a lot. There are many methods by which you can alleviate the condition of the crumbs. Most parents resort to using drugs. Today we will discuss which gels when teething will be most effective.

How to understand that teething

Most babies are already starting by the age of three months.appear the first teething symptoms. But this does not mean that the first tooth will appear soon. The process may be delayed. In some babies, the central incisors appear only closer to the year. Despite this, parents should understand why a child is worried. Teething gel will ease the condition of the crumbs, and parents will be able to sleep all night.

teething gel
The first thing to look out for ismood baby. If a calm child suddenly became irritable, sleeps poorly and cries a lot for no apparent reason, in the near future we should expect the appearance of the first tooth. To see this, mom should examine the gums of the baby. They will be red and puffy. The whole process is very painful. The child will take in his mouth everything that catches his eye. In this way, babies try to reduce pain. But you can just apply an anesthetic gel during teething.

Folk remedies or drugs?

Многие родители стараются давать деткам как можно less funds from the pharmacy. Many problems are solved by popular methods. But to remove the pain in the gums of the baby in this way does not always work. Teething gel acts quickly and efficiently. For several hours, the child calms down and can sleep.

Do without drugs is still possible.But the effect will be short. It should be as often as possible to offer your child a cold drink. During teething, salivation increases. With the help of a cool drink, you can not only calm the pain a little, but also fill the fluid balance in a small body.

Хорошее воздействие оказывает массаж десен.Mom can do it yourself with her fingers. And if you use pure gauze, the anesthetic effect will increase. By the same principle, special teethers act. These are small silicone toys filled with liquid. They are often given to a child. Teethers cool and massage the baby’s gums.

what gels when teething

How does teething gel work?

Medicines that are used in teethingteeth contain a small amount of painkiller with local effect. Gel "freezes" the child's gums. The drug is applied directly to the place of teething with massage movements. After a few minutes, the pain subsides, and the baby calms down.

Depending on the operating components, allChildren's gels are divided into anti-inflammatory, cooling and homeopathic. The latter are based on natural ingredients. They are most preferred. Such drugs quickly relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect.

It should be noted that no medicine can give a lasting effect. Some gels are permissible to use no more than one week continuously. Otherwise it may be addictive to the drug.

 best teething gel

Gel "Baby Doctor"

Этот гель для прорезывания зубов пользуется immensely popular with parents. It is completely natural and does not contain anesthetic. It consists of Calendula, Echinacea, Plantain and Chamomile. Means "Baby Doctor" can be used for children who have a tendency to allergic reactions.

The gel has both pain killer andanti-inflammatory effect. The term of use of the drug is unlimited. A huge plus is the ability to restore the mucous membrane. This is especially true when it comes to the eruption of molars. Quickly relieves pain and heals wounds in the oral cavity, this teething gel. The price of the drug does not exceed 200 rubles.

teething gel reviews

Means "Calgel"

The drug is anesthetic.But you cannot call it completely natural. It contains lidocaine, which has a cooling effect. Do not use this gel too often when teething. Reviews of the drug can be heard both positive and negative. Means "Kalgel" has an excellent analgesic effect, but the duration of action is quite low. And you can not use it more than 6 times a day.

teething anesthetic gel

Lidocaine-based gels are not recommended.apply immediately before feeding. For the prevention of such funds are also not used. The drug is applied directly to the affected area with a cotton swab or finger. Dear parents, pay attention! What gels when teething or would have to be considered, you should definitely read the instructions for use.

Drug "Holisal"

Today it is one of the mostpopular teething products that do not contain lidocaine. The drug not only relieves pain, but also has an antimicrobial effect. Unpleasant sensations in the gums are removed by reducing blood flow to the soft tissues of the mouth.

Cholisal gel is applied to the affected area.massage movements. Initially, the crumb can feel a slight burning sensation. But the side effect passes in a few minutes, and the baby stops feeling pain.

According to many parents, Cholisal is the bestteething gel. Unlike drugs that contain lidocaine, this tool is not washed off with saliva. Due to this, the duration of its action increases up to 8 hours. Parents can put the gel on the gums of the child before bedtime and quietly spend almost all night.

teething gel Price

Means "Dentinox"

Another herbal preparation of local action.Due to polidocanol 600, which is part of the drug, its therapeutic effect is enhanced. The drug can be used in the eruption of not only milk, but also molars. It can also have a painful effect when wisdom teeth appear.

Gel "Dentinox" can be used no more than three times a day. Most often it is applied before bedtime.

best teething gel

What should I remember?

Before buying gels when teething,It is worth consulting with a pediatrician. Any medication may have side effects. This is especially true for those parents whose babies tend to be allergic.

When choosing a drug in a pharmacy, do notfeel free to ask for instructions. It must be carefully studied. Particular attention should be paid to the age at which the use of the drug is recommended. Some gels can be applied only to a child older than 6 months.

teething gel reviews

Drugs that have a freezing effect(based on lidocaine), used only after meals. Such gels are able to suppress the sucking reflex for a while. Too often, using lidocaine-based gels is not recommended.

Любое средство наносят на десны стерильными by hands. If it is difficult to reach the sore spot, you can use a Q-tip. Pediatricians recommend teething preparations to be applied immediately before bedtime.