Almost every mother with trembling waits for a newstep in the development of her baby - teething. Despite the restless state and children, and parents, the latter are, as a rule, very happy about such an event. Usually, this process is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pain in the gums, a violation of sleep. Snot with teething is also no exception.
Time of appearance of the first teeth
The first teeth of the babies appear about 4-7months. However, it is impossible to establish certain frames with certainty. According to experts, each child develops individually, it concerns and teething. There are many factors that determine the timing of the appearance of teeth. These include the region of residence, and food, and the quality of drinking water, and climate and so on.
Early symptoms of teething
As a rule, the beginning of teethingaccompanied by abundant salivation and reddening of the gums. These symptoms are early, they appear about 2 months before the first tooth comes out. When "hour X" comes, the child begins to be capricious and becomes hot. Painful sensations on the gums lead to the fact that the baby loses appetite and sleep for a while, often puts everything in his mouth into his mouth. Soon parents notice on the baby's gums white strips, which will later become teeth.
If the child does not let you observethe growth of teeth - and this, most likely, will be so, - then you can get into your mouth with a spoon. Leading the gums, you will hear a kind of knocking, which will mean that the tooth has already erupted.
The most common symptoms
Now let's take a closer look at the symptoms that occurduring teething. Your baby can have a sudden fever and a runny nose. Snot with teething can be the result of reduced immunity. The temperature can last one to two days. If the fever does not go away, you need to see a doctor.
During this period, the baby snot - a frequent phenomenon.A runny nose should not be strong and last more than three days. You do not need to treat it, you just need to clean the child's spout more often. If the child has snot, having a thick consistency of greenish color, consult a doctor. This may be the result of a viral disease. The teeth are cut, and the child's snot flows - note at once when this symptom appeared. Long term coryza should alert young parents.
Often in small men with teething is observed coughing or diarrhea. And again, their duration should alert my mother.
The causes of the appearance of snot with teething
Many parents ask themselves:"Why do snot appear when teething?" And it's easy to explain. There are two reasons. First, it can be the result of a viral infection, a consequence of a decrease in immunity. Secondly, there is a purely physiological explanation. The blood supply to the gums and nasal mucosa is anatomically interrelated. Circulation in the nasal cavity is activated. Hence the activation of the glands of the mucous membrane and, as a consequence, transparent secretions.
Experts argue that snot with teething in children, with the exception of high fever, a normal phenomenon that does not require treatment.