/ / When teeth are chapped, signs are immediately visible

When teeth are chapped, signs can be seen immediately

Teething is a process where the firsta set of teeth called milk, breaks through the gums. For each parent, this process is important and weighty. Everyone waits, when the first tooth will clatter on a spoon. When the baby's teeth are chopped, the signs appear immediately.

When do teeth usually start to be cut?

This process usually begins at six months of age. But the norm for dentition is the age of three months and up to one year. If the child teeth, signs are cut parents notice right away.

Lower front teeth are usually cut first. Upper teeth usually come in 1-2 months after the lower front teeth have erupted.

What are the symptoms?

Some babies are more fussy than usual,when they have teeth. This may be because soreness and swelling of the gums occur. When teeth are chapped, signs and symptoms can usually be observed about one week before the tooth is shown, and they disappear as soon as it breaks the skin.

When a child's teeth are cut, symptoms can bedifferent. Babies can nibble their fingers or toys to help reduce pressure in the gums. They may also refuse to eat and drink, because they are hurt and they experience discomfort in the oral cavity.

Many children drool during eruption, and this can cause a rash on the face of the child or on his chest.

When a child's teeth are cut, symptoms, as already mentioned, can manifest themselves in different ways. In some, they are weak, which is usually better.

How can you help your child?

When the baby's teeth are chapped, the signs are outwardly visible, and you can help him. Here are some tips that will help your child feel better with teething:

Give your child a mild pain reliever, according to his age (for example, "Ibuprofen"), this will help reduce the discomfort of the child.

Use a clean finger (or cold dentalring) to gently wipe the baby's gums for 2 minutes. Many children find it soothing, and it helps to reduce the pain in the baby.

Provide the child with safe objects that can be chewed.

Many parents use other meanseruption, such as gels for baby gums. If you want to use these products, talk with your doctor about what types are safe and how often they can be used for a toddler of a certain age.

Care for baby teeth

When teeth are chapped, the symptoms of this processactively manifest themselves, so you will notice this. In addition to the increased attention to the baby's teeth during eruption, one should not forget about caring for them. You need to take measures to help prevent the tooth decay of your baby's teeth. For example, once your child's teeth are clearly visible, you can start cleaning them with a soft cloth or gauze swab. The more teeth erupt, the purification procedure becomes more serious. Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush, using only water for the first time of this procedure. In addition, it helps prevent tooth decay from the bottle if you always remove it from the mouth of your child as soon as he or she has finished eating. You need to clean your baby's mouth after feeding, especially at night. When the baby starts, eat solid food, offer him a healthy meal with a low sugar content.

It is necessary to draw up a regular schedule of visits by a dentist to a child. During these visits, the doctor will check the health of your child's teeth.

It is desirable to take the child to the dentist for the first time six months from the moment when the first tooth was cut, but not later than the first year of your baby's birth.