/ / "Mundizal gel": instructions and references. Drug analogues

"Mundizal gel": instructions and references. Drug analogues

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugssignificantly improve the quality of human life. Such drugs are produced in different forms. These are tablets, capsules, injections, suppositories, suspensions and so on. In today's article we will talk about a drug with the trade name "Mundizal gel." You can see the indications for its use and other important information about the drug.

mundizal gel

Characteristics of the drug: composition and action

The composition of the drug "Mundizal gel" isactive substance choline salicylate. It is a derivative of salicylic acid. It can be attributed to analgesics and antipyretics. The component has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, as well as other NSAIDs. Also in the composition of the drug "Mundizal gel" is cetalkonium chloride. This component belongs to antiseptics. He fights well with mushrooms, viruses and bacteria.

The medicine is released in a tube, which is placed in a cardboard package. In the pack, you can also find an annotation that you need to study before applying the medication.

Substitutes of the preparation

Has a "Mundizal gel" analogs.They should not be selected independently. If for any reason you can not use the original medicine, then contact this specialist. Many analogs have a different form of release of the drug. If we talk about the substitutes of the drug on the basis of the same active substance, we can name the following drugs:

  • "Otinum";
  • "Brotinum";
  • "Sakhol";
  • "Holakaps".

As you know, the drug is available in the form of a gel. You can pick up analogs with another composition, but with the same action. These preparations are "Kamistad", "Kalgel", "Kholisal" and others.

mundizel gel instructions

Indications for use and contraindications

"Mundizal gel" is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity. It is used in the following cases:

  • stomatitis viral, bacterial, fungal;
  • thrush;
  • ulcers and trophic damage to the oral mucosa;
  • wearing dentures;
  • small wounds of different origin;
  • painful dentition in children.

The active substance is practically not absorbedthrough the mucous membranes. It acts directly at the site of application. Therefore, the medicine has no contraindications. Do not use it only for people with increased sensitivity. If necessary, treatment during pregnancy and lactation should consult a doctor.

mundizal gel user's manual

Mundizal gel: instructions for use and dosage

Before applying the medicine you need to wash it well.arms. Otherwise, there will be additional infection, which will only worsen the course of the disease. Multiplicity of the drug is 3-4 times a day. Use the gel for a sufficiently long time. A more precise period is established by the specialist depending on the patient's condition.

Open the tube and squeeze one centimeter on the fingergel. Apply the product to the damaged mucous membranes and gently massage. It is recommended to use the drug before eating. So you get an analgesic effect and can eat without discomfort. When teething, the medicine is used before bedtime. Children under the age of one should reduce the amount of the drug applied in half.

mundizal gel reviews

Mundizal gel: reviews. Opinions of doctors and patients about the medicine

What do consumers say about the drug?The people who used this medicine report the following. The medicine has a pleasant aftertaste. After applying to the mucous membrane of the mouth, there is a coolness. Anesthetic effect comes almost immediately. The effect of the drug is quite long. Even if you eat, the effect does not decrease.

Patients say that many diseasesmouth (in particular, ulcers and stomatitis) do not allow for normal eating. A person suffers with the use of cold and hot foods, solid food. "Mundizal gel" comes in this case to the rescue. The use of the drug makes it easy to eat.

They also use medicines for babies.Most of the children at the age of the first two years suffer from painful dentition. An anesthetic gel allows the child to forget about the problem. Parents note the long-term effect of the drug, as many substitutes work briefly.

What can doctors say about the application of thisfacilities? Doctors report that the drug "Mundizal gel" is safe. It has an antiseptic effect. The drug destroys pathogenic microbes and fungi, which provoke the formation of ulcers of the oral mucosa. The main active ingredient cools, pains, relieves inflammation and accelerates the regeneration process. "Mundizal gel" can be used in conjunction with other drugs for complex treatment. But you need to apply medication in a certain sequence. More information on this matter should be obtained from your doctor.

mundizal gel analogues


You learned what is said about the medicine "Mundizalgel "instruction manual. The drug is sold in many pharmacy kiosks. You do not need a prescription from the doctor for the purchase. Keep the composition at room temperature (no more than 20 degrees). Shelf life is 5 years from the date of production. Do not use drugs after the specified time, the effect of this use may be unexpected. Good health to you!