/ / Treatment of pancreatitis at home - part of the complex full-fledged disease control

Treatment of pancreatitis in the home is part of a complex anti-disease complex

Disturb pain in the belly of a shingling character,giving in the left hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea, bloating and belching? Unfortunately, this manifestation of pancreatitis is a pancreatic disease that occurs most often in acute or chronic form. At the first manifestation of such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor who will make a specific diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

The fact is that acute pancreatitis by all meansshould be subjected to specialized treatment, most often in surgical hospitals. As for the chronic form, even specialists recommend for this case the treatment of pancreatitis in the home, which often gives much more impressive results.

Obligatory conditions for this are the following methods and means:

- a strict diet, which includes a large number of protein products, and excluding animal fats and carbohydrates;

- Full-scale fighting with bad habits, as well as fighting overly fatty foods and all sorts of marinades;

- reception of medicines prescribed by a doctor - pancreatin, panzinorm, festal or mezim-forte;

- if possible, spa treatment, preferably on curative mineral springs in Karlovy Vary or the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Also the methods of treatment of pancreatitis outside the hospitalinclude some folk recipes. For example, cooked from oats jelly - for it you need to wash the oats, pour water for several days, and after this time, dry and pound to the state of flour. Further the kissel is cooked as usual, filtered and slightly cooled. It should be taken once a day, always fresh, as only such a tool to treat pancreatitis at home make it full and effective.

Fight with frustration and inflammationThe pancreas is perfectly helped by tincture of iris and wormwood. To do this, take one tablespoon of dried herbs, brew them in a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Take this medication before each meal, three times a day.

Experts advise to prepare the following broth:take a few grams of herbs mint, coriander, fennel seeds, St. John's wort, elecampane and cucumbers, carefully grind and pour boiling water (350 ml.). Every day, you should drink a quarter cup of broth three times a day. The main condition under which treatment of pancreatitis at home will be most successful is the regularity of taking the above substances and observing their dosage.

A special attention should be paid to whatproducts with pancreatitis can or can not be taken. As already mentioned above, it is necessary to exclude fatty, excessively acute or salty ingredients from the diet, as well as rich in carbohydrates. And, on the contrary, it is necessary to eat sea kale, which contains a huge number of different chemical elements and substances that favorably affect normal working processes, not only in the pancreas, but in the whole digestive system as a whole.

Of course, all these recommendations will not helpto cope with inflammation of the pancreas, especially in an acute form, when active intervention of specialists is required, but for a chronic form this will be quite enough. The treatment of pancreatitis at home is facilitated in such a way that dietary restrictions and herbal preparations actively stabilize the patient's condition, significantly accelerate his recovery, and also limit and slow down the inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas.