/ / Unpleasant signs of pancreatitis and getting rid of the disease

Unpleasant signs of pancreatitis and getting rid of a disease

Over the past few decades, the numberpatients with pancreatitis significantly increased and increased at times. And if earlier patients with such diseases were at the age of - after 50 years, today this bar has gone down and is 39 years. Both women and men are ill. But more and more often it is the alcoholic variant of pancreatitis.

Of itself, the disease is inflammatorya process that is localized directly in the pancreas. He is constantly progressing and aggravating the situation. Often the chronic course of pancreatitis continues, even if the causes of its occurrence have been eliminated. The fact is that the body itself begins to be replaced by a special tissue, which can not fully perform all the functions assigned.


Most often pancreatitis becomes a consequence of excessive use of alcohol, as well as cholelithiasis. There are a number of other causes that lead to this inflammatory disease:

  • Problems with the duodenum.
  • The use of drugs that have a toxic composition.
  • Injuries of all kinds.
  • Infections (hepatitis, parotitis).
  • Diabetes.
  • Intoxication of the body with mercury, lead or arsenic.
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Pancreatitis. Symptoms

The most characteristic symptom of the disease isoccurrence of pain syndrome. Most patients complain of pain, which persists for a very long time. It appears somewhere in the abdomen and begins to spread upward.

Such painful signs of pancreatitis have the opportunity to appear against the background of the use of such products:

  1. fatty and fried foods;
  2. smoked food;
  3. carbonated drinks;
  4. alcohol.

Approximately 6 hours after taking such a mealthere is pain. It can last for several hours, and sometimes it does not stop for a couple of days. Especially long the pain continues after large doses of alcohol. Rarely pain can be expected a short time after eating. However, this also happens.

Other signs of pancreatitis are absenceany appetite, severe nausea, and sometimes even vomiting, which, at the same time, does not bring relief to the body. There may be excessive belching, bloating, and rumbling in the abdomen. With exacerbation of pancreatitis, there is also a loose stool. At the same time, the patient loses weight.

Pain syndrome in a number of patients mayabsent. However, this does not mean that everything is so smooth. On the contrary, it sometimes means that the disease is progressing to a large extent. Calcium appears in the body, and then the pancreas lesion develops.


In time, unidentified pancreatitis can becomethe cause of many serious diseases. First, there are infections of the pancreas, ulcers and bleeding. Often erosion of the esophagus. Some patients develop so-called fistulas.

Long-term course of pancreatitis leads to the fact,that the pancreas changes its shape and prevents the passage of food through the duodenum. Then necessarily need surgical help.

Some patients with pancreatitis acquire even nervous and mental disorders. Among them there are problems with memory, thinking and even intellect.


If signs of pancreatitis appear, immediatelyshould consult a doctor. Only it will help to establish an accurate diagnosis by the appointment of special tests and procedures. Before you understand what a complex of medical measures is required, such methods of pancreatitis diagnostics are used:

  1. blood analysis (biochemical and immunological);
  2. coprogramme;
  3. stool analysis;
  4. Ultrasound;
  5. tomography;
  6. fibrocolonoscopy.

How to cure pancreatitis?

Based on signs of pancreatitis and severitythe doctor prescribes either therapeutic treatment, or surgical. A special diet is prescribed. And also the diseases that accompany pancreatitis are cured.

Drug treatment is prescribed with an eye on the patient's condition. Be sure to prescribe antibacterial agents, prebiotics, antispasmodics, vitamins and immunomodulators.