Most people associate herpes with a smallpimple on the lips. It occurs either at the initial stage of catarrhal diseases, or for no apparent reason. The beginning of everything is a slight tingling on the lips, which gradually grows into an itch. The final manifestation of herpes is the rash of small vesicles. They are located quite close to each other, and sometimes even merge into one. Herpes is a viral disease. Its manifestations are possible in those periods when the weakening of the immune system is observed. This is mainly due to overcooling or overheating of the body, as well as various ailments, abortions, inflammatory processes in the genital area and in an unstable physical and mental state.
The occurrence of painful vesicles occurs fromeffects of viral infection of herpes simplex. It gets into the human body through scratches, micro-traumas, and also cracks in the skin, is there constantly, since early childhood.
There are eight varieties of this infection. They include the following:
- herpes virus type 6, and also 7 and 8;
- cytomegalovirus;
- viruses of simple herpes of the 1st and 2nd types;
- Epstein-Barr viruses;
- varicella viruses.
Treatment of herpes at home allowsstrengthen immunity and give positive results. Begin the course of getting rid of the infection should be when the feverish state only arises. Means that should be used in this case, for sure, will be found in home medicine kits. Among them, such drugs: "Acyclovir", "Zovirax", "Vivorax".
Treatment of herpes at home can becarried out using fir oil. It is recognized as one of the most effective means that popular medicine recommends. When the course of treatment is completed, no complicated manipulations are required. Evolved bubbles are simply lubricated with fir oil. The frequency of the procedure is three hours. A tampon with a remedy can be applied for half an hour to the affected areas before bedtime. In the process of treating herpes vesicles, there may be a slight burning sensation. The effect of using fir oil comes three days after the beginning of the course of getting rid of the infection.
Treatment of herpes at home is possible evenin the absence of any drugs. Get rid of the infection will help the sulfur, which is extracted from your own ear. This substance, which is an antiviral agent, should be applied to the affected skin.
Treatment of herpes at home can behold and with the help of garlic. To the existing rashes are applied garlic cloves, which must be previously cut. With periodicity, which should be two hours, they are held on the affected skin. For the night, cloves of garlic can be applied to the foci of infection for ten minutes. After this, the rashes are smeared with honey.
Herpes also helps ordinary toothpaste, which is applied to the blisters four times during the day. It helps to dry out the rashes and greatly speeds up the healing process.
Unfortunately, all folk remedies can notone hundred percent to rid the body of a harmful virus. This is included in the task of antibiotics. But the manifestations of herpes are cured by self-recognized folk remedies very effectively. In addition, you need to remember the need to strengthen the defenses of your body, which will resist a viral infection.