/ / Insulin: the rate of administration in diabetes mellitus

Insulin: the rate of administration for diabetes mellitus

Insulin is a universal hormone that regulates everything.types of metabolism. Under its action, the absorption of carbohydrates occurs, the synthesis of proteins and lipids is enhanced. This hormone is produced in the pancreas. Insulin in the human body is inversely related to the amount of glucose in the blood: if there is a lot of hormone, there is little glucose, and vice versa. With a deficiency in the body of this substance develops a serious disease of diabetes. In this disease, the hormone is used as a replacement therapy, that is, the administration of drugs supports insulin in the blood within the required norm. Insulin therapy is mandatory for the treatment of type I diabetes, which is also called insulin-dependent. Drug administration is also indicated for non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus during pregnancy and lactation, ketoacidosis and diabetic coma, surgical interventions and infectious diseases, with secondary resistance to sulfanilamides and angiopathies of high degrees. If insulin is prescribed to the patient, the rate of administration is adjusted individually. It is determined by the level of baseline glycemia and sensitivity to the drug, as well as dietary and physical activity. When selecting the required dose should take into account the duration of the disease, blood glucose levels, as well as previous experience of hormonal treatment. During the first year of the disease, insulin is prescribed, the dose rate of which is usually not more than 0.5 U / kg / day. Further, the need for this substance is gradually increasing. There is a traditional and intensive scheme of insulin therapy. With the traditional treatment regimen, 70% of the usual daily dose of the drug is administered in the morning, and the remaining 30% in the evening. Basic principles of insulin therapy:

- mainly assigned to long-acting insulin;

- short-acting insulin is used in small doses;

- food intake corrected by insulin action peaks;

- The number of meals up to 5-6 times during the day;

- the daily dose is administered mainly in two injections.

Basic principles of intensive insulin therapy:

- often used insulins, acting briefly;

- the number of injections of hormonal drugs per day is at least 3-4;

- insulin, acting for a long time, is used in small doses in the form of the main injection;

- injections adjust for meals, and not vice versa.

In recent years, a significant spreadReceived intensive insulin therapy using syringe pens. Introduction of a hormonal drug using syringe pens is simple and safe. Injections are made using removable disposable needles, which have a thin cutting blade, due to which the introduction of insulin is practically painless. In the syringe pens, a special mechanism is used by which insulin is injected, the rate of which is automatically dispensed. According to the method of manufacture, there are preparations obtained from the pancreas of cattle or pigs by the purification method and human insulin synthesized by genetic engineering. The duration of action distinguish drugs of short action, medium and prolonged action. Usually they are administered by subcutaneous injections in the region of the front or outer surface of the thigh, the outer surface of the shoulder. Introduction to the abdomen is most effective, since the drug is adsorbed in the portal vein system and quickly reaches the liver, where it shows its hypoglycemic effect. Whatever insulin is prescribed, its rate of administration must exactly correspond to the prescribed dose. Deviation from the norm is often complicated by severe diabetic or hypoglycemic coma.