/ / Modern diagnostic methods

Modern diagnostic methods

To date, there are various methodsdiagnosis of all diseases. For a start, you need to consult a doctor and determine the problem, and only then have to resort to the diagnosis of the disease.

Modern diagnostic methods:

  1. The most common method is ultrasound.Ultrasound is a painless method of imaging. The principle of operation is based on the reflection of beams, which can vary depending on the nature and density of the medium being studied. Methods of radiation diagnosis are the most accurate and reliable in identifying many types of disease at the earliest stages, which will immediately cure and prevent the development of the disease.
  2. Endoscopy.This is a method of examining and examining certain internal organs with the help of an endoscope. This allows you to determine the visual diagnosis using a video camera, which is attached to the end of the tube, called the endoscope. Such examination will help to determine the damage in the intestines, esophagus and stomach. Currently, there are several types of endoscopy: bronchoscopy - the detection of bronchial diseases; hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus; gastroscopy - examination of the stomach; laparoscopy - abdominal cavity; angioscopy - examination of vessels; Cystoscopy - examination of the bladder; arthroscopy - joint examination; thoracoscopy - examination of the thoracic cavity; Ventriculoscopy - examination of the ventricles of the brain, etc.
  3. Computer tomography is to use the latest scanner, which allows you to create an image in three dimensions. The image can be read on any device.
  4. Colonoscopy.This method is a visual study that helps to identify the lesions of the colon. It is necessary for the doctor to diagnose cancer and in order to determine the cause of the symptoms of your disease. This is the most common method for studying the large intestine at the present time.
  5. Doppler scanning is intended, beforein total, to study the circulation of blood in the arteries and veins. X-rays are not used for this scan. The Doppler method is performed without intrusion into the body in any way, including surgical. This method of diagnosis is the most reliable and convenient, and it is considered the most advanced in the field of research of vascular diseases.

Doppler is actively used in other areas:

- with permeability of blood vessels;

- in the presence of stenosis;

- when the implant is rejected;

- with increased vascularity.

6. MRI.Magnetic resonance imaging is a method of examining internal organs using a magnetic field and radio waves that act on a person and inject it into a resonant state. The return of a person to his normal state leads to the formation of a certain signal. During the study, this signal is recorded in the computer and with its help you can get a picture of different parts of the body.

These diagnostic methods are the mostcommon in modern medicine. It is through these studies that disease can be identified at an earlier stage and cured without loss to the body.

But not all diagnostic methods can be used,for example, during pregnancy. Studies that are carried out with the help of X-rays can lead to negative consequences in the development of the fetus. The most basic methods of pregnancy diagnosis are ultrasound and urinalysis. This study helps determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date, however, its main task is to identify any problems in the development of the fetus and internal organs.