/ / Can there be an allergy to oatmeal?

Could there be an allergy to oatmeal?

Allergy is often manifested in the breast and childage, but it can be in adults. Often it is caused by completely different products. It manifests itself in the form of negative reactions, therefore, after the detection of the first signs, it is necessary immediately to start treatment. A common pathology is an allergy to oatmeal. The reasons, symptoms and treatment are described in this article.


Could there be an allergy to oatmeal?This phenomenon is common, and it appears in both children and adults. In both cases, professional help is required to prevent complications. Allergy to oatmeal in adults occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Intolerance of components contained in flakes, for example, gluten. This factor is inherited.
  2. The presence of a disease associated with intolerance to cereals.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. The use of poor quality oatmeal, grown under adverse conditions.

allergy to oatmeal

Often allergic to oatmeal in infants is manifested, so it is not recommended to use it for too young children. But for preschoolers this dish is ideal.

The causes of allergies in infants

In young children, the oat allergy is caused by the following provoking factors:

  1. Heredity, maternal nutrition.
  2. Inadequate time for natural feeding.
  3. Inadequate dosage of a component introduced into a child's feeding.
  4. The first penetration of allergens at an early age.
  5. High permeability of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  6. Frequent ingress of an allergen into the body.
  7. Reduced immunity of the intestine.

allergy to baby's porridge

Allergy in young children can also be associated with overeating. It arises even on those products that were previously well absorbed.

How is it manifested?

Symptoms of oatmeal allergy are as follows:

  1. Cough, runny nose, high body temperature.
  2. Intensive weight loss.
  3. Dysfunction of the digestive tract.
  4. Stomach ache.
  5. Redness and itching of the skin.
  6. Swelling of extremities.

These unpleasant symptoms indicatethe need to see a doctor. Allergy to oatmeal in a child also manifests itself in such signs. However, the treatment of children and adults is very different, therefore only a doctor should prescribe therapy.

Symptoms in children

Symptoms of an allergic reaction in children may be as follows:

  1. Chronic constipation, diarrhea.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Pain in the bones.
  5. Weight loss.
  6. Fast fatiguability.
  7. Headache.
  8. Edema.
  9. Increased irritability.
  10. Bloating.
  11. Poor attention.

allergies to oatmeal in children

Symptoms occur immediately or after a while. Such signs serve as a signal to call a doctor. Depending on the cause of allergies, the specialist will prescribe an effective treatment.

Features of the reaction

Often children are brewed a useful andTasty gherkins porridge, especially if it has flavor additives. But it should be borne in mind that the product contains the same components as in ordinary oatmeal. You should carefully read the composition, so that it does not contain dyes, taste enhancers, because of which serious complications may appear. Allergies to oatmeal in children - a common phenomenon. Usually, children have dysplasia, pulmonary edema.

There is an allergy to oatmeal and babies.Kids quickly lose weight, they have bloating, constipation. Therefore, doctors are not advised to introduce cereal cereals into the diet for babies up to 6 months. The children's organism can "outgrow" the allergy to flakes, and in adults this happens in rare cases. If, in the presence of such symptoms, a person continues to use the product, then chronic avitaminosis appears.


Allergy to oatmeal is determined with the help ofspecial diagnostic methods. Sensitivity to the product is established after examination. Adults need to perform a skin test, after which the diagnosis is appointed within half an hour. If there is any doubt, a secondary diagnosis is performed.

can there be an allergy to oatmeal

Use this technique for children is impossible,since with the additional introduction of an allergen complications of the disease are provoked. Then the diagnosis is carried out by the method of examination of venous blood serum. Within a week after the analysis, the results of the survey are provided, according to which it can be determined whether oatmeal is an allergen or not.


In addition to medical treatment, appointed forrecommendations of an allergist, experts advise to follow a special gluten-free diet. This is necessary to protect against allergic manifestations. If the rejection to the product is observed in the child, the diet should be adjusted, taking into account the advice of a child specialist.

Medications are prescribed on the basis of individual characteristics:

  1. Classical treatment is considered the use of histamine drugs: "Ketotifen", "Diazolina", "Suprastin".
  2. If there is a rash, itching or redness of the skin, then ointments, creams, gels are used: "Lorinden", "Zodak", "Lokaid."
  3. The intestinal microflora is restored with the help of "Linex", "Acipole", "Hilaka Forte".

It should be borne in mind that the medicines are prescribed by the doctor after the examination. It is especially important to respect this right for children.


Allergy to oatmeal can be treated folkmethods. Only use them should be after consulting a specialist. Effective means can get rid of redness or itching. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you must use the following recipes:

  1. Potatoes must be grated, squeezed juice with gauze and applied to the redness on the skin.
  2. A bunch of parsley should be finely chopped, crush for the appearance of juice. Greens need to attach to the affected area.
  3. Cabbage leaves should be applied to the painful skin.
  4. The healing effect has an infusion of nettle, which is necessary to perform compresses.
  5. Dill juice should be diluted in a ratio of 1: 2, then apply to impose on the parted skin.

allergy to oatmeal in adults

In folk medicine, used environmentallypure products, however, it must be remembered that they may contain allergens. They can harm the body. Self-medication is dangerous, it is necessary to consult an allergist.


It is important to limit contact with the allergen.Dieting involves the exclusion of elements such as vegetable proteins, flour, cereals. It is necessary to look at the composition of the product so that there are no dyes, flavors, flavors.

Protect the body from the risk of allergies should bechildhood. An important role is the correct feeding of infants. Gluten, penetrating into the body of a nauseous woman, does not enter the milk. As long as the baby is breastfeeding, allergy to oatmeal is not terrible.

allergic to oatmeal symptoms

To feed children with gluten-containing foodsfrom 6 months. It is necessary to begin feeding with small portions. Then a break of 3 days is required. It is important to control how your body reacts to new products. If there are signs of hyperreaction, oatmeal should be excluded from the diet. It is advisable to use porridge no more than 3 times a week so that intolerance does not appear.

Fiber-rich foods are essential fororganism. But most cereals cause intolerance in people because of gluten. Therefore, it is required to compensate for the lack of nutritional components with other products that do not have an allergen. If you buy ready-made cereals, you should read the composition. Probably, allergy does not occur on flakes, but on additives — flavors, sweeteners. Therefore, it is important to purchase products from trusted companies that have been thoroughly tested before being sold. Such food will be safe for the health of children and adults.