Allergy in pregnant women

One of the most common among women inThe condition of the disease is considered an allergy. Allergy in pregnant women according to statistics is found in twenty-five cases out of a hundred. In this case, the main reason for the presence of such a disease is the unfavorable environment from the point of view of ecology. Half of all people suffering from allergies on the planet live in settlements with a low standard of living. In general, an allergy is a definite reaction of the whole human body to the influence of any internal or external stimuli. Allergens can be any organisms, viruses or substances. For example, alien serum protein, feathers, wool, some kind of cosmetics, medicine, and much more. All this surrounds each of us almost every second. People who have ever encountered a similar problem know a lot about allergy symptoms. The most common of these are rash, tearing, coughing, diarrhea, and the like.

Experts claim that the presence of a strongallergies to anything is a prohibition to conceive a baby. The reason for this is that during pregnancy, all body reactions increase. That is why allergies on any period simply simply appear even stronger. Changes in the immune system of the expectant mother affect the body's response to such stimuli. In addition, quite often the allergy is passed on to the child from the mother. In any case, it is unlikely to directly affect the course of the genera. It is worth noting that mom's allergy is not considered a contraindication to breastfeeding a baby.

Allergy in pregnant women manifests itself in different ways.It may look like hives or rhinitis. In the latter case, it is called allergic rhinitis, since it is characterized by difficulty in breathing, sneezing and swelling of the nasal mucosa, burning sensation in the throat and discharge from the nose. Most often, with a strong attack, a woman may suffer from edema of the larynx, which in turn is accompanied by severe suffocation, hoarseness and constant cough. If we talk about the reaction of the fetus to such moments, the allergic reaction rarely occurs in the mother and the baby at the same time. Experts explain this by the fact that the future mother's body produces so-called antigens in response to an allergic reaction. These antigens penetrate through the membrane to the fetus, that is, through the placenta. However, the baby is experiencing other factors. For example, the effects of drugs that can be disastrous for him. These drugs are taken by women during pregnancy, if they suffer from allergies. In addition, the general condition of the very future mother, his changes are reflected in the baby. We must not forget about one more moment. The fact is that drugs have a strong effect on the blood supply to the fetus.

If a woman has allergiespregnancy, treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist. No need to immediately run to the pharmacy and buy mountains of drugs. Many of them have a large number of contraindications. One of these contraindications is pregnancy. In addition, quite often future mothers are trying to find the answer on the Internet. However, they enter into the search box "allergy in pregnant women, treatment" and hope that they will be able to find answers to all their questions. But sometimes, by doing this, you can only do harm.

If allergy occurs in pregnant women, the bestto start taking actions such as switching to a special hypoallergenic diet. Be sure to try to avoid contact with those objects, products and things that are the cause of this allergic reaction. After that it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Allergies in pregnant women are curable.Of course, to take a variety of drugs while carrying a baby is not worth it. However, there are situations when their use is simply necessary, and the health of the mother and child depends on it. Only a specialist and the attending physician of a pregnant woman can make a decision about taking medication.