/ Allergy to mosquito bites in a child. First Aid and Protection

Allergy to a mosquito bite in a child. First aid and protection

Повышенную чувствительность к укусам комаров и Doctors call other insects insect allergies. It arises due to a distorted reaction of the body to biologically active substances contained in mosquito saliva. Allergy to mosquito bites in a child causes local and general manifestations. And if the former are relatively harmless local edema, redness and itching, then the latter may require serious treatment (even in a hospital). The so-called systemic anaphylactic reaction occurs due to strong rejection of foreign protein by the body. Such an allergy will manifest itself by general intoxication, nausea and vomiting, headache, and fever. Insects bites in the head and neck area most often lead to a systemic reaction.

allergic to mosquito bite in a child

Allergies like mosquito bites mayarise and the fault of other insects. Local edema (papule) with redness and itching is quite typical for this situation. By the way, we note that not only an insect bite can cause allergies. No less dangerous is the so-called respiratory reaction of the body, which occurs when both the insects themselves and their metabolic products are inhaled. Disturbing signs at the same time are a sharp runny nose, sneezing, hoarseness, coughing up to asphyxiation.

When the bite is dangerous

I must say that anaphylactic allergy to a mosquito bite in a child is extremely rare, but nevertheless, such cases are known and well described.

mosquito bite allergy

If redness and swelling at the site of the bite is reached ina diameter of 5-10 cm, persist for at least 24 hours and are accompanied by severe itching, which means that it’s time to consult a doctor. If at any time there are signs that the allergy to mosquito bites in a child has become systemic, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Dangerous symptoms include extensive urticaria, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and sometimes suffocation.

First aid

It is advisable not to scratch or scratch the bite mark.It can be treated with soda solution, and it is better to use an ointment ("Fenistil gel" or "Psilo-balm"). In extreme tourist conditions, to eliminate the local reaction, you can use a mash of pounded leaves of bird cherry, wormwood or juniper, as well as a plantain leaf.

allergy like mosquito bites

If a child is allergic to a mosquito biteas anaphylaxis, do not self-medicate, and immediately seek medical help. If you experience any delays and obstacles, give your child any antihistamine (strictly following, of course, instructions and age dosage). Going to the hospital is necessary, as allergy in the form of mosquito bites can have a completely different origin and lead to serious complications.

Better to defend yourself!

Prevention is always helpful, but if a child hasthere is a tendency to any allergies, it is necessary to protect it from insect bites especially carefully. Avoid evening walks near water bodies, protect rooms with mosquito nets and fumigators, wear clothes that cover hands and feet as much as possible. Quite a reliable way - to treat the skin and clothing with special means (repellents). However, you must first make sure that the child does not have allergies to them!