/ / My heart is pressing. What does it mean?

My heart is pressing. What does it mean?

Ощущения, когда давит сердце очень часто связаны with cardiovascular diseases, and also can be caused by other causes, such as diseases of the joints, bones, nerves. Consider the main causes of the phenomenon, if pressed in the heart and what urgent measures are necessary in such cases to take.

Neurosis of the heart or otherwise neurocirculatorydystonia manifests itself in the form of pressing pain in the upper region of the heart. In addition to pain, there is a strong palpitation, dizziness, as a rule, these are the consequences of strong unrest and emotions. Usually the heart presses on young people prone to frequent infections, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontalitis, dental diseases and so on.

With a neurosis, when the heart is pressing, it is necessaryUrgently take internally about 25-30 drops of valokurdin, corvalol or tincture of valerian. Before going to bed, you can use sleeping pills or soothing medications. Completely eliminate smoking and drinking. In some cases it is recommended to perform acupressure.

Myocarditis affects the heart muscle and isinfectious disease. This disease manifests itself in the form of dyspnea, strongly presses the heart, the pulse is rapid, very weak filling, in some cases, swelling on the legs. Very often, myocarditis manifests itself as a complication after a cold in just a few days. At the same time, even an insignificant physical load can worsen a patient's condition.

At a myocarditis the patient without failis transferred to bed rest, otherwise the likelihood of developing chronic heart failure is high. For internal reception appoint caffeine - 1 tablet three times a day and the drug "Cordiamin" - 25-30 drops, also three times a day.

Angina, which is also called angina pectoris,manifested in the form of a disorder of the vessels of the heart muscle. This disease manifests itself in the form of pain in the sternum, recoil occurs in the neck, shoulder and left arm. The cause may be frosty weather or physical stress. At night, the heart presses and in a calm state. The pain lasts a very short time and very often appears again. The causes of bouts of angina pectoris are overeating, agitation, alcoholic intoxication.

As with myocarditis, the patient is prescribedbed rest. Nitroglycerin one tablet under the tongue is taken until remission or complete absence of pain. In case the pulse is rapid, it is recommended to take one tablet of the drug "Obsidan". Instead of nitroglycerin, you can take validol. Untimely action can increase the time of angina attack, which often provokes myocardial infarction.

Инфаркт миокарда проявляется в омертвении heart muscle, when the flow of blood to her does not match her need for oxygen. The main cause is a blockage of the heart vessels or thrombosis. There are long pains in the heart muscle, giving in the left arm and shoulder blade. And the feeling that the heart is pressing. They do not stop even after taking heart medications. The patient is very excited, he has a sticky cold sweat. Pulse is very weak, rapid. There is a slight increase in temperature. At any time, with a heart attack, shock or arrhythmia can occur, causing a fatal outcome.

When heart attack is completely prohibited from smoking,prescribed strict bed restraint, excluding any movement. Multiple admission of analgin and nitroglycerin is required, the region of the heart is smeared with nitroglycerin ointment.

In case of a heart attack, you need to call an ambulance immediately. The patient should be transported only on a special resuscitation car.