/ Clothes for pregnant women are the rules of choice.

Clothes for pregnant women are the rules of choice.

At modern women in "position" the choice of clothes is not limited. Models of "pregnant" things are more than diverse, a woman will make up a feminine and even sexual wardrobe of labor.

Most likely, the first months are not radicallyto reconsider old things. And yet tight and tight clothes are immediately swept aside. It presses on the body, disrupting the circulation. Accordingly, tight jeans should be replaced with a dress. If the belly presses the belt or the skirt starts to cramp, it's time for a serious update. Now we need elastic, stretching materials. Among them can be things of sports cut, skirts with kulis, dresses without clasps at the waist.

At the same time, you need to look closely at the shoes.Doctors advise having a heel that does not exceed 3 cm, with an extended shoe that does not put a lot of pressure on the foot. In this case, shoes must have a hygroscopic footbed. During pregnancy, the legs are slightly added in size. It is necessary to take this into account, buying models that are planned to be worn from the third trimester.

And here comes the second half of the term.It seems that there is already a big belly, but there is also a growth potential. Now it is worth buying a few mast-heves - quality pants with a soft insert to support the tummy (or suit), a "pregnant" sarafan and, for example, overalls. And they can already be supplemented with less expensive tunics, turtlenecks and blouses.

The optimal solution is "growing" clothes for pregnant women. Such models are increasing together withtummy - this is provided by stock, folds, additional volume under the string and all kinds of fasteners. The problems of wearing one outfit for a long time are solved by various additions - it can be a variety of scarves, ornaments, shawls, neck scarves for creating different images.

Стоит подумать и о белье для беременных, в particular about the brassiere. Several manipulations with hooks and straps are adjusted under the chest girth. The growing breast is supported by wide straps (ideally they should be located closer to the middle of the chest). Sensitive skin is not injured by seamless sewing. The absence of elastic bones will not prevent the outflow of lymph and blood.

In addition to bustiers, it is probably worth buying pantiesor a special bandage. In regard to panties, experienced moms argue - some consider it necessary to have "pregnant" models, while others are quite satisfied with the usual cotton, but larger sizes. But here everything is individual and the main criteria of choice are comfort and quality of the material. However, this applies to all elements of the wardrobe.