/ / Periarthritis of the shoulder joint

Periarthritis of the shoulder joint

Periarthritis of the shoulder joint refers todegenerative lesions occurring at the point of attachment of the tendons to the bone. The subsequent course of the disease causes reactive inflammation in the affected tendon and nearby serous bags.

Periarthritis of the shoulder joint is diagnosedoften up to eighty percent of all shoulder cases that are rheumatic. This is due to the functional constant excessive strain of the tendons of the muscles, which is associated with the rotation and withdrawal of the shoulder. Excessive stress leads to an early onset of a degenerative process.

Periarthritis of the shoulder is most often observed in womenafter forty years. As a rule, it is right-handed, which is caused by microtraumatism and a greater load. However, in a number of cases there is a bilateral development of the disease.

To predisposing factors of importancewhen the disease develops, stay in dampness for a long time, cooling. Periarthritis of the shoulder joint can develop against the background of sciatica, spondylosis, neuropsychiatric disorders, arthrosis, and also in the presence of congenital deficiencies in the development of the upper portion of the shoulder girdle.

The main etiological factors aremicro and macroattacks. Periarthritis of the shoulder joint is also characteristic for persons suffering from coronary artery disease, often its manifestations are observed during the phase of subsidence or during an attack of angina pectoris. According to some observations, this degenerative lesion occurs in ten to fifteen percent of patients after myocardial infarction. Cervical spondylosis is also a common cause of the disease. The presence of radicular syndrome in this case explains the trophic disturbance in the periarticular tissues of the shoulder. However, in a number of cases, degenerative lesion develops for no apparent reason.

There are simple, acute and chronic forms (stages) of the disease.

The most common form is simpleperiarthritis. It is based on an isolated tendon tendonitis of the subacute or supraspinous muscle. Clinically, this stage manifests itself in the form of small restrictions in the movement of the shoulder and moderate pain, which are localized in the anterior upper region. An unchanging symptom is the intensification or the appearance of pain in the performance of certain movements. As a rule, the patient is not able to raise his hand up and bring his fingers to the spine when trying to get her behind her back. Other movements a person commits freely. Pain sensations can appear at night.

The acute form can develop independently ormanifest as a complication simple. It is believed that the basis of its development is acute tendobursite, accompanied by calcification in the tendons. As a rule, after physical exertion, there is a manifestation of diffuse growing pain in the shoulder, resistant to analgesics. Usually it is accompanied by irradiation into the posterior region of the arm and neck. Sharp limb movements are observed.

The most unfavorable include chronicform of defeat. As a rule, it is a consequence of acute, but it can also occur on its own. The most characteristic manifestation in this case is the progressive stiffness of the shoulder. There is a sharp violation of both the lead and its rotation.

Periarthritis of the shoulder joint. Treatment.

The main goal of therapy is unloadingthe affected tendon. In this case, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents are prescribed, balneotherapy. In special cases, there is a need for surgical intervention.