/ / What if the knees swell and ache?

What if the knees swell and ache?

Что делать, если опухают и болят колени?Of course, do not engage in self-treatment, and visit a specialist to find out the exact diagnosis. Swelling in the knees can occur for many reasons. This includes damage to the knee cartilage, and inflammation of the periarticular bags. The pathological process can be associated with tendons and ligaments. Therefore, before you begin treatment, you must know the exact cause.

your knees are swollen and sore

If your knees are swollen and sore, you need to turnattention to the remaining symptoms. Often people complain of stiffness in the movement of the joint. The knee is practically unable to make lateral movements and is not fully bent. Often, pain in the joint is accompanied by hyperemia. This causes swelling, the affected area is slightly hotter than on the other leg. All of these symptoms in the complex may indicate the development of arthritis of the knee joint.

sore and swollen knee treatment

Another reason to swell up and hurtknees, - bursitis. This disease develops in the articular bags, causing severe inflammation of their mucous membranes. The main symptoms of bursitis are similar to arthritis - swelling and swelling, which are often accompanied by redness. The causes of the disease lie in the loads, under the action of which there is a slight deformation of the articular bags. They are flattened. Over time, their condition leads to inflammation. Mucous begins to produce a large amount of fluid, its excess does not have time to be absorbed. As a result, swelling is formed. Knee swells. There is discomfort when walking, in severe cases, the joint becomes immobile and constrained.

Bruises can cause swelling in the knee area.when falling. Ligaments and tendons are injured. They are inflamed. A person has swollen and sore knees, he feels pain when walking and sitting in an uncomfortable position. This inflammatory process has several degrees of severity. The duration of treatment depends on how badly the ligament is damaged. As a rule, the disease goes away after a couple of weeks.

swollen knee treatment
So what to do if it hurts and swollenknee? Treatment must be timely. Acute inflammatory processes eventually become chronic. The disease will return again over several years. Currently, there are a large number of folk remedies that help to remove not only pain, but also edema. But do not dwell only on them. Traditional medicine is very effective, but only in conjunction with drugs prescribed by a doctor.

If the knee is very swollen, treatment is prescribed.only after a thorough examination and delivery of all necessary analyzes. To relieve and relieve pain, apply a cold compress. A hot water bottle with cold water and a bag of ice will do. This will reduce the swelling slightly. When walking, do not forget to use a fixing bandage. But first you need to ask the doctor about it. In some cases, this dressing is contraindicated. And the last. As you know, the knees are very affected by stress, so if a person has excess weight, he needs to go on a diet and bring body weight back to normal.