/ / Bubnovsky: knees hurt - what to do? Description and treatment

Bubnovsky: my knees hurt - what should I do? Description and treatment

The name of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is familiar to many.This doctor of medical sciences created the system of alternative orthopedics and neurology, which allows to cure chronic ailments of the musculoskeletal system through the internal reserves of the body.

In one of his books, “Sore knees.What to do? ”Bubnovsky gives explanations and recommendations to people who find it difficult to even bend their legs. The suffering of such patients is immense. They cannot be helped by the efforts of the surgeons to replace the ligaments or the joint, as well as to remove the meniscus. All these manipulations lead only to temporary relief.

Bubnov's knees hurt what to do
In his book, “Hurt the knees.What should I do? ”Dr. Bubnovsky describes his own methodology, after which even those patients who suffered severe injuries and underwent complex operations, were able to climb to the highest step of the Olympic Games pedestal, becoming world and European champions. The system helps even those who are far from the sport. Bubnovsky's patients cease to limp and forever forget about crutches after performing the exercises developed by a famous doctor.

Pathology of the knee

In the human musculoskeletal system there ismost vulnerable spot. They are the knees. Despite the fact that nature has endowed them with a complex structure, the loads on these joints are sometimes excessive. Anyone facing movement and injury. Athletes and the elderly are particularly sensitive to these factors. The first ones are due to the abuse of the loads, and the second ones are due to age-related clumsiness, weakness of vision and fragility of the bone tissue.

knees hurt what to do bubnovsky
All diseases of the knees Dr. Bubnovsky conditionally divides into two categories. They include:

1. Arthritis.These are pathologies arising from inflammatory processes in the joints. The causes of arthritis can be a variety of infections and autoimmune processes. Sometimes ailment occurs due to the reaction of the body to other diseases. Often, these pathologies occur due to joint damage.

2. Arthrosis. This disease occurs when the destruction of the joints due to their lack of nutrition or large loads.

In the form of one of these two pathologicalprocesses occur and post-traumatic complications. They become the cause of articular inflammation and gradual destruction or regeneration of the articulation. Particularly dangerous injuries in old age, when all processes are expressed most clearly. This leads to deterioration.

Symptoms of pathological processes

Any disease of the knee joint can not pass unnoticed by humans. The manifestation of arthritis and arthritis is expressed in the violation of movements and the presence of pain.

There are also secondary symptoms that do not deliverman of considerable inconvenience. So, the joint can become inflamed and swell. Calcifications are sometimes deposited in the ligaments, and the subchondral bone begins to deform. But it is precisely pain and limited mobility that cause people to look for a solution to the problem.

Generally accepted recommendations

How in practice is the treatment of the kneejoint? Traditional medicine offers only two options. In the first of these, treatment is performed with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, as well as chondroprotectors. In addition, physiotherapy and hormone therapy are used.

The second option is surgery. It is worth saying that in recent years, surgical interventions on the joints are performed so often that they take a truly universal scale.

Sergey Bubnovsky hurt his knees what to do exercises
Is the correct approach usedtraditional medicine? Anyone who belongs to the category of supporters of alternative methods of treatment, indicates a lack of effectiveness of the therapy offered by official health care institutions, and sometimes even the complete absence of a positive result.

Alternative method

One of those who propose to move away fromtraditional views, is Dr. S. M. Bubnovsky. “My knees hurt. What to do? ”Is his work, in which the emphasis is shifted to alternative methods of treatment of joints. At the same time in the first place are the physiotherapeutic effects and therapeutic exercises. Drugs as the famous doctor assigns a supporting role.

Establishing diagnosis

What recommendations does Sergey give in his book?Bubnovsky “My knees hurt. What to do?"? First of all, the famous doctor warns against self-healing of the joints. Making a wrong diagnosis is a missed time that not only increases the duration of the disease, but also leads to an unpredictable result.

What advises Bubnovsky?Knees hurt, what to do? The patient, who asks a similar question, the doctor recommends, first of all, to find out the center of arthritis. The pathology zone may be, for example, in a hip joint. It is from there that the pain symptom sometimes manifests itself in the knee, groin or lower back. To localize the disease, the doctor recommends an x-ray of the hip joints. The task of the doctor will be to determine the reduction in these joints of the joint space.

The results of such a diagnosis are very important, as they allow to determine the object of treatment and the complex of rehabilitation exercises.

Appeal to specialists

В своей книге Сергей Бубновский «Болят колени.What to do? ”Advises to be attentive to the pain that occurs after possible injuries or physical activity. Sometimes people forget small bruises of joints rather quickly. Lack of timely assistance leads to impaired blood flow and the development of inflammation. All this in the future will bring a lot of trouble.

What does Dr. Bubnovsky advise?Knees hurt, what to do? Those who ask a similar question should not increase the load on the joints. The mode of their movement in this case should be gentle. If there are such symptoms, Sergey recommends that you immediately contact a specialist, and not to self-medicate. Diagnostics made by the doctor will not allow some mistakes, which Bubnovsky warns against.

knees hurt what do doctor bubnovsky
Knees hurt, what to do?A similar question can be asked by patients with pathologies such as osteochondrosis of the spinal spine, ankylosing spondylitis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. In such cases, only an experienced doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and assign the correct course of recovery.


In traditional medicine, wellnessGymnastics is given far less attention than it deserves. In addition, doctors do not always assign exercises to their patients, as shown in diseases of the knee joints. Sometimes, after performing fitness exercises, discomfort appears. They also force people to refuse employment.

Sergey Bubnovsky hurt his knees what to do
What does Dr. Bubnovsky say about this?Does your knees hurt? What to do? Constantly perform the necessary set of exercises! Routine gymnastics, even with a small load, sometimes gives a much greater effect than expensive pharmacological drugs.

With a treatment method developed by the famousdoctor, can be found by reading the book “Sore knees. What to do?". Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky called his alternative method of healing kinesitherapy. This is a variant of physical therapy, the implementation of which will allow a person to get rid of arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joints.

Conditions for the exercise

According to an alternative method, with pathologiesknee joints, the patient must master the special simulators MTB-1 or MTB. However, the exercise is possible at home. And for this you need to purchase a rubber shock absorber.

 with m bubnovsky hurt my knees what to do

One end of it is attached to a wall or leg.furniture. At the second end of the shock absorber is a loop, which is put on the shin. In order to avoid unpleasant sensations, classes are best carried out in tight socks.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky

How to move on to wellness classes will be prompted by the book (author Sergey Bubnovsky) “My knees hurt. What to do?". The author divides the exercises of his technique into force and decompression.

The task of the first is to perform hard work by the muscles. As a result, they increase blood circulation, restore the drainage system, improve the nutrition of the joint and muscles.

Consider some of the exercises of Bubnovsky:

1. The patient is in the initial position - lying on his stomach. He pulls the rubber shock absorber with his foot until the knee is fully bent.
2. The patient should stand upright to hold the rubber damper with his hand, while simultaneously unbending the leg at the knee.
3The patient is in the original sitting position, turning sideways to the support, where the shock absorber is fixed. The leg should be straight and led, and then to the side as much as possible. Doing this exercise can cause knee pain.

my knees hurt what to do Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky
The second option exercises - decompression.Dr. Sergey Bubnovsky also recommends them to his patients. Do your knees hurt? What to do? To restore the normal function of the joint, it is necessary to strengthen the drainage in the joint and improve blood circulation in all its structures. It is also possible to do decompression exercises.

Here is a description of some of them:

1. The patient must get on all fours. The rubber damper is taut. The task of the patient is to maximize the hip forward. The movement should be sharp.
2The patient is in the initial position - lying on his back. In this case, the shock absorber at one end should be attached to the support, and the second - to the tibia. The patient's task is to touch the heel of the floor with an extended leg.

It is worth bearing in mind that when performingfitness exercises by the method of Bubnovsky may cause pain in the muscles, as well as a crunch in the joints. This can not serve as contraindications for the continuation of the performance of the health complex.