/ / It hurts the baby to crap. Practical tips for parents

It hurts the child to croak. Practical tips for parents

Problems with the intestines and going to the toilet candevelop unexpectedly. Moreover, this problem occurs in both adults and children. Only an adult can help himself and is not afraid to consult a doctor. But the child often refuses any help and anything that is offered to him if he hurts him. And the baby doesn’t care that persistent constipation can develop more serious diseases, and it is impermissible to ignore difficulties with defecation and need to be addressed immediately, as they appeared.

Mom should be alert if the baby hurtsshit. The reasons for the emergence of this delicate problem abound. This delay natural bowel movements, and poor diet, and an insufficient amount of fluid in the body, and pathogenic bacteria. Even a psychological state may be the reason that the baby does not want to go to the toilet.

The first thing you need to do mom is soberevaluate the diet crumbs. Does the child eat liquid, is his diet sufficiently balanced, are there any fermented milk products on the menu? If mother notes that not everything is perfect with this, then a solution has been found. It is necessary to immediately change the familiar, but inappropriate food to healthy and proper.

If the food is all right, but it hurts to crapchild, it would not be superfluous to be tested for the presence in the body of the desired lacto-and bifidobacteria. Very often it is their absence that provokes a problem with the toilet. A 10-day course of taking, for example, the drug "Bifidumbakterin", will relieve from delicate problems and improve the work of the intestine.

Nutrition and tests are normal, the doctors did not find the reasonsand abnormalities in the body, and it hurts to care anyway? Then you should turn to the popular methods of treating constipation. Maybe the matter is in heredity or the individual structure of the intestine. To overcome the frequent constipation will help herbal teas, warm steam baths. With difficulty defecation helps plum or prunes. Flaxseed oil will also help. Tablespoon on an empty stomach and after each meal will adjust peristalsis. There are cases when constipation is evident, and accumulated fecal masses have become hardened. The enema will help. The water in it should be warm. If you do an enema with cold or cool liquid, then the problem will not be solved.

Sometimes the child is afraid of the crap, knowing that it canto experience pain. It speaks of psychological constipation. It is important to immediately explain to the baby that you need to regularly drink and try to calm him down. Psychological constipation in children is difficult to overcome, but patient parents can do it. To relieve pain, the anus must be lubricated with a greasy oily baby cream or petroleum jelly. If the skin around it is reddened or wounds are seen, then the child should be wiped dry after water procedures, and then the area of ​​the anus should be smeared with special wound-healing creams.

Often psychological constipation is caused by the fact thatparents often remind the kid that you need to go to the toilet. The child, knowing that it will hurt him to crap, feels fear and shrinks, his muscles, including his anus, do the same. With this attitude, even an adult is unlikely to be able to go to the toilet. What to say about the baby. Therefore, noting the child psychological constipation, parents should not focus on the process itself. If it didn’t work this time, you shouldn’t remind in five minutes that you should try again. Let the child calm down. When the time comes, he will surely poke - this is the nature of nature.

If all the proposed ways to eliminate the delicate problem have been tried and have not yielded a positive result, then immediately go for a consultation with a surgeon.