/ / Does it hurt to pierce the ear? Recommendations and Tips

Is it painful to pierce the ear? Recommendations and advice

Does it hurt ear piercing? Such a question is asked by those who have never experienced anything like it. About how the procedure piercing, will tell more.


Before you decide on a piercing, you need to learn a few simple rules.

Does it hurt to pierce the ear

Во-первых, необходимо тщательно подобрать клинику.A qualified doctor will tell you if it hurts to pierce your ear. You will also be told what procedures you need to perform before and after such an operation.

In no case do not dare to puncture at home. Even if the service is offered by a practitioner, in his apartment may simply not be the necessary tools or medicines.

Next, you should ask whether the clinic has the appropriate license to perform such work.

If you agree to usemedical steel earrings, which the clinic will offer you, you need to ensure their safety. To do this, you have the right to ask for documents for these products.

Also consult the procedure before the procedure.the therapist. Ask if it hurts to pierce your ear, if you can take any pain medicine after. Also find out if you have any allergic reactions.

After such thorough preparation, you can safely go to the procedure.

Does it hurt to pierce the cartilage in the ear?

Some extravagant persons do not only piercion piercing. Of course, the question arises: does it hurt to pierce the ears in the cartilage? We will try to figure it out.

is it painful to pierce the cartilage in the ear

It is known that cartilage tissue is denser,rather than a lobe. As practice shows, when it is punctured, it usually swells and heals much longer. But that just can not stand for the sake of beauty! Recall that this procedure should not be trusted inexperienced friends. In a specialized salon, a puncture site will be treated with an antiseptic to avoid infection. This process is almost painless, as the doctor will use a special gun. In a split second he will pierce the cartilage and insert the earring. Thus, it is almost not necessary to endure the pain.

After the procedure

After you know whether it hurts to pierce the ears in the cartilage, you can proceed to the action - sign up for the procedure in the salon.

Does it hurt to pierce the ears in the cartilage

Do not do the piercing, if you are sick, it can affect the healing process of the wound.

Having received the desired puncture and a beautiful earring, notforget that now you must be especially attentive, since only the first stage has been completed. Next, you need to treat the wound with the means prescribed by the doctor. This will be either hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, which disinfect.

Be careful and do not take anyself-action, if after a few days the puncture site swells up and turns red. In this case, immediately contact the specialist who conducted this procedure for you. But you should not panic when a slight burning sensation begins in the wound. Do not forget that the punctured tissue, whether it be the lobe or the cartilage, should heal. It takes time.

And so you need to know not only about whether it hurts to pierce the ear, but also about how much the wound heals and how to care for it.

Owners of long hair should be especially careful: earrings will touch your curls.

It is not necessary to immediately put massive ornaments on the ears, since the pain will be much more noticeable.

Earrings baby - is it worth it?

Many young mothers are in a hurry to decorate their little princesses. Of course, they are interested in whether it hurts to pierce the ears with a pistol. After all, I do not want the baby to cry during the procedure.

is it painful to pierce the ears with a pistol

It is believed that the least problems with healinghave children from one and a half to three years. They do not experience such a feeling of fear as adults, so they quickly forget about short-term pain after a puncture.

But still, doctors recommend to undergo a full examination before such a procedure. Some children may be allergic to metal. On this issue, a pediatrician consultation is required.

It is necessary to care for the wound of the child aslike an adult. Be sure to rinse and prevent severe redness at the puncture site. As a rule, in babies, the ears heal much faster and more painlessly.

Now you know if it hurts to pierce the cartilage inear or lobe. And only you decide whether you are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of beauty. Usually, everything goes quite positively, and healing does not bring much trouble. One has only to carefully approach this issue.