/ / Box of knowledge about Fennel - Application and healing properties

Casket of knowledge about Fennel - Application and medicinal properties

The healing gifts of nature attracted and astonished.people a long time ago. They do not stop doing it today. Various kinds of berries, mushrooms, roots, plants, trees - all of them are filled to the top with energy and life, which a person actively uses in the fight against serious all sorts of diseases. After all, everyone wants to be healthy and do everything possible to achieve this. And medicinal plants and really have a healing effect.

About one of these plants, we today and learnmany interesting things - about fennel. The use of this medicinal plant, which has a huge amount of the most useful properties, is very widespread. It has healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, bactericidal, carminative, anthelmintic, diuretic, analgesic, and expectorant effects. Fennel is used for dilating the heart vessels, for enhancing the milk flow from the breast and even, to the surprise of many, for smoothing wrinkles. The fruits and grass of this medicinal plant are often used in the fight against spastic colitis, flatulence, to improve the appetite and fully restore the digestive processes. Found fennel use and as a means of separating bile.

As a rule, medicine is used exactlyfennel fruits. They are included in the compositions of various drugs that are used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, angina pectoris, gout, asthma, urolithiasis, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, hepatitis, and dysbacteriosis.

Pharyngitis, inflammatory skin diseasescovers, cystitis, pyelonephritis, stomatitis - fennel help may be needed in the fight against such diseases. Long-term treatment of patients after nicotine or alcohol poisoning does not do without it. When menstruation is delayed, women often run to pharmacies to buy fennel. This medicinal plant plays an important role in the fight against severe oncological diseases. Fennel has also been used in pediatrics (dill water to rid babies of meteorism).

Treat fennel and runny nose.He confidently confirmed his effectiveness as an antipyretic agent. In some countries, it is included in the compositions of numerous antipyretic drugs. It is also an excellent drug for the treatment of neurasthenia. The disinfecting properties of fennel herb are quite powerful. Decoction of seeds of this plant treat conjunctivitis and various pustular diseases.

From gastrointestinal spasm make infusion of the fruit.It is easy to prepare: 1 tsp. Spoon of crushed dried fruit is filled with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. After being filtered and taken ½ cup three times a day.

Fennel: use in cooking

I eat all parts of this plant as food:stalks, leaves, coaches, roots, shoots and fruits. Fennel Cob is an excellent deli and diet product. In food they are used boiled or fresh in various salads. Still as an independent dish that is cooked as asparagus or cauliflower. Fresh leaves, unripe umbrellas and shoots are used to flavor various marinades, in sauerkraut and in canning vegetables, instead of dill. Greens are added to salads, seasonings for soups, side dishes, vegetable and meat dishes, as well as when salting vegetables. Large fennel root is often put in salads, sauces, soups and used as a spice for pork and fish dishes. It can be eaten boiled, as an unusual side dish. Or cook other side dishes by adding fennel. Applying it in any case diversifies your diet.

Экстракт фенхеля здорово оказывает успокаивающее, hypotensive, anti-spastic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, expectorant, antispasmodic, choleretic, anti-dyspeptic, lactogonic action, markedly improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

It has fennel contraindications: epileptics, pregnant women, in case of intolerance and tendency to diarrhea.

Going back to the amazing properties of fennel,It should be noted that this plant really deserves general attention. Use it, struggling with a variety of diseases, and even better, do not get sick at all!