/ / Scented fennel - properties and uses

Fragrant Fennel - Properties and Applications

The rich flora of the Mediterranean gave the worlda lot of plants, without which it is difficult to imagine modern culinary art. These include coriander, rosemary, dill, arugula, celery, and many other crops. A representative of this flora is the closest relative of dill - spicy and fragrant fennel.

The properties of this culture were known to man.centuries and even millennia ago. It was used by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans, as well as the cooks of the East. It is currently an important ingredient in many Mediterranean, Italian, Scandinavian and Chinese dishes. All parts of the plant are consumed, from the root to the seed, including the greens and the stems. Soups, salads, sauces, stews, meat and fish dishes acquire a special flavor if fennel is added to them. The properties of the plant, in addition, can make each dish more healthy and useful, since many components of its chemical composition have a positive effect on the human body.

Fennel helps to normalize the workdigestive system, eliminating any disorders. It is useful in gastritis, lung diseases, gout, hepatitis, urolithiasis, cystitis. It is also used in disorders of the urinary system, colds, chronic coronary insufficiency. Even with skin inflammations and acne, fennel helps to cope. The properties of this plant can also be used as an effective sedative. The aroma of its essential oils has a positive effect on the nervous system, so it is recommended for insomnia, neurasthenia, and increased nervous irritability.

Железо и аминокислота гистидин противостоят anemia, aspartic acid eliminates bloating and gas formation, antioxidants (the amino acid arginine and vitamin C) and stimulants (magnesium, cobalt and essential oils) have a healing effect on the eyesight and condition of the skin. Regular use of fennel strengthens the hair, normalizes hormones in the female body, promotes the elimination of toxic substances, sharpens the memory and has a wonderful refreshing and cooling effect in hot weather.

Such a long list of useful properties, of course,contributes to the growth of the popularity of this plant far beyond its sunny homeland. It is marinated, added to vegetables during preservation, the leaves are cut into salads and entrees, the stems are blanched and used as a side dish, like green beans or asparagus. Fennel root is used as a spice, adding to confectionery and bakery products. Seeds are also used as a spice or simply chewed to improve the performance of the stomach and refresh breath. Milled seeds are an excellent seasoning for meat.

In medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy widelyfennel oil is used. The properties of this tool allow you to use it in various fields. It is prescribed for tuberculosis, bronchitis, gout, hepatitis, alcohol poisoning or tobacco products. It is effective in treating stomatitis, pharyngitis and working with problem skin. Of course, in most of the cases listed, fennel oil is not used as the main treatment, but as an adjuvant it is simply indispensable.

Fennel contains antioxidants, so itbeneficial effect on appearance. Oil can be added to any cosmetic or used as a basis for the preparation of homemade cosmetics. It helps to cope with cellulite, acne, wrinkles and many other problems. A bath with a few drops of fennel oil will help to relax after a working day. If you need to freshen the air in the room, you can light the aroma lamp with this oil.

However, some of the components that make upfennel, with an overdose can have a very negative impact on the body, so too zealous is not worth it. Pregnant women need to use fennel very carefully. The properties of this product will have a truly healing effect on the body, if its application is competent and healthy.