/ How to brew a flax seed at home?

How to brew a flax seed at home?

Since ancient times, our ancestors were aware ofunique healing properties of flaxseed. It is widely used in folk medicine, industry and cosmetology. In addition, it is considered the most valuable food additive, enriching the human body with many useful substances. After reading this article, you will learn how to properly brew flax seed.

how to brew a flax seed

Beneficial features

The fact that this plant has a uniquehealing and health-improving effect, people have learned even in the time of Hippocrates. More recent scientific research has repeatedly proved this assertion. Those who are interested in how to brew a flax seed for the stomach will not be prevented by information that this valuable product plays a vital role in healthy nutrition. In medical practice, it is widely used as an effective preventive agent against many diseases.

how to brew a flax seed for the stomach

Composition of flax seeds

This plant is considered an excellent sourcemany useful substances and vitamins. Those who want to understand how to brew a flax seed, for sure it will be interesting to know that it contains a large number of ligans. These are natural hormones, phytoestrogens, responsible for blocking the mechanisms that provoke the development of hormone-dependent oncological diseases.

In addition, flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fattyacids, which ensure the integrity of the structure of cell membranes. Since they are not produced by our body, we must receive a sufficient amount of these substances with food. It is proved that deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids causes diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Also, those who do not know how to brew a flax seedfor the stomach, it will be useful to understand why it is so useful for the digestive system. This healing effect is explained by the high content of fiber, enveloping the gastric walls, accelerating the excretion of cholesterol and other harmful substances. In addition, it contributes to better assimilation of useful nutritional vitamins and is an excellent preventive against colon cancer.

how to properly brew a flax seed

Who is receiving this supplement?

Before you figure out how to brew seedsflax, it should be clarified, under what diseases it is recommended to take this quite effective means. As a rule, the decoction of flaxseed is indicated in the presence of such problems as:

  • chronic constipation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • low blood pressure;
  • high cholesterol;
  • obesity.

In addition, this medical drug is consideredan excellent preventive against thrombi and thyroid diseases. It is often used to strengthen immunity, improve the condition of the skin and hair, to restore the function of the kidneys and liver. Those who want to know how to properly brew a flax seed for the stomach, it will be interesting that, in addition to broths and infusions, you can use them in pure form. In addition, flax seeds can be added to different dishes, including cutlets, soups, kissels, pastries and cereals. The systematic use of this food supplement contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and improvement of well-being.

how to properly brew a flax seed for the stomach


Unfortunately, not all people can takeflax-seed. Experts still can not come to a consensus on the safe amount of this food supplement. Some believe that the daily rate should not exceed 50 grams, others reduce this figure to 25 grams. In any case, before brewing flax seeds, you should read the list of contraindications. So, this food supplement is forbidden to people with such problems as:

  • individual intolerance;
  • stones in the gallbladder or bladder;
  • cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis, obstruction or inflammation of the intestine;
  • endometritis, polycystic or uterine fibroids.

In addition, flaxseed is contraindicated for pregnant women and men who have an increased risk of prostate cancer.

how to brew flax seeds for weight loss

How to brew flax seeds with gastritis?

Decoction from the seed of this plant successfullyis used in the treatment of this disease. So, in the chronic form of gastritis, accompanied by a low acidity, it is recommended to use mucus from flaxseed. To make it, you need to take one teaspoon of seeds and fill it with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour you can drain the broth and take it three times a day for one tablespoon before eating. Those who have gastritis complicated by constipation, you need to insist the seeds for an hour and drink before going to bed one glass of infusion obtained in an unprocessed form.

People suffering from gastritis accompanied byhigh acidity, it is also interesting how to brew a flax seed. To do this, one dessert spoonful of seeds should be poured into 600 ml of boiling water and boiled for ten minutes at minimum heat. The received kissel is recommended to take 100 grams three times daily before meals.

 how to brew flax seeds with gastritis

Using flaxseed for weight loss

The effect of this proven means is achieveddue to enveloping properties. Getting into the stomach, the decoction of flaxseed seeds creates on its walls a kind of protective film, which prevents the absorption of fats. In addition, once in the stomach, the seeds of this plant begin to actively absorb moisture, creating a satiety effect.

An important role in losing weight is played bylaxative properties of flaxseed. Thanks to this, the speed of metabolic processes is restored, as well as the significant acceleration of excretion of toxins and toxins from the body.

How to brew flax seeds for weight loss?

This decoction is considered one of the most effectiveand proven means to help fight extra pounds. For its preparation, two tablespoons of flaxseed must be poured into 600 ml of boiling water and boiled over the mixture on a low heat for ten minutes. In a cold drink you can add a little lemon juice or honey. You can take the decoction in an unpreserved form. Drink it is recommended for two weeks for half a glass an hour before meals.

You can also prepare a usefulvitaminized drink based on flaxseed with the addition of carrot juice. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve one cup of linseed oil and seeds in one glass of freshly squeezed juice. You need to drink it five minutes after cooking. This drink helps not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen immunity.

There is another effective way to combat superfluousweight. It consists in receiving infusion of flax seeds. It should be drunk half a cup three times a day for half an hour before meals. To prepare the infusion, one tablespoon of seeds should be poured 400 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse in a thermos for the whole night. In the morning, the resulting beverage can be filtered and used according to the above scheme.