Flax seed application has gained widespreadspread back in ancient times, when it was already used not only to get cloth, but also when cooking. It was proved that even in the Bronze Age, people were able to produce cold-pressed oil from seeds.
![flax seed application](/images/zdorove/primenenie-semeni-lna-polzya-dlya-zdorovya.jpg)
Семечки льна очень полезны, поскольку содержат fatty acids of plant origin: Omega-3, 6 and 9. It is known that the human body cannot produce such acids for itself, therefore it is very important that these substances come from the outside in sufficient quantities. In addition, the composition of flax seed includes trace elements such as potassium, calcium, chromium, iron, iodine, and many others.
For normal health, the body needs fiber, which cleans it, normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
![white flax seeds](/images/zdorove/primenenie-semeni-lna-polzya-dlya-zdorovya_2.jpg)
Принимать в пищу семечки льна можно в качестве supplements or separately. You can add them to mashed potatoes, salads, sauces, cereals, etc. It is also possible to mix seeds with cottage cheese, yogurt or milk. This produces a healthy and delicious product.
The use of flax seed in a variety of dishesdoes not affect the technology of their preparation. Nutritional value at the same time increases, and hence the quality increases markedly. Using ground seeds, it is possible to carry out the preparation of broth, similar to kissel. To make it, you need to pour cold water over one tablespoon of seeds and boil them for fifteen minutes.
![flax seeds](/images/zdorove/primenenie-semeni-lna-polzya-dlya-zdorovya_3.jpg)
The use of flax seed in medicine
This product is widely used to treatoncology, as it contains lingans that slow down the growth of tumor cells at all stages. Flaxseeds help withstand many ailments, including the following:
- Thrombosis.
- Diabetes.Thanks to the omega-3 fatty acid in the flaxseeds, the intensity of insulin action increases markedly. Along with this, the blood cholesterol level is significantly reduced.
- All sorts of failures in the thyroid gland.
- Any liver disease. The functioning of this body becomes more intense.
- High blood pressure.
- Violation of the skin and hair.
- Weakness in the body of a general nature.
- The presence of parasites in the body.
With all these and similar complications, the use of flax seed will greatly facilitate the general condition of the person, as well as contribute to a speedy recovery.