/ / Teraflex analogue - "Artra" preparation

Analog teraflex - the drug "Artra"

The Russian pharmacy market has recently been replenisheda novelty - an imported remedy - the chondroprotector "Artra" (manufactured by the American company Unifarm). Judging by the composition, the arthra tablets can be used as a substitute for teraflex (a preparation manufactured in the UK). Both drugs are stimulators of cartilage regeneration and belong to the same price category. The only difference is that in artra and teraflex the active components in the form of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride are contained in different ratios.

Arthra prevents developmentdegenerative-dystrophic processes in the cartilage. In addition, this analogue teraflex is quite effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis, and in particular, osteochondrosis of the spine. By the way, the modified medicinal product - artra chondroitin - is also produced. It includes only one ingredient - chondroitin sulfate. Acting just like teraflex, capsules of this drug protect joints from pathogenic action, restore cartilaginous tissue, improving the metabolism inside it. Justified the appointment of arthritis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. B vitamins and antispasmodics also combine with it.

Indications for arthritis can be as sharp asand chronic periods of the disease. But in the acute stage before taking this analog teraflex, it is not superfluous to undergo a course of injection forms of chondroprotectors (for example, chondrolone).

As for the therapeutic effect of arthritis, hemanifested gradually through prolonged exposure. During the first three weeks, the medicine is taken 1 capsule or tablet two to three times a day. Frequency of admission depends on the dosage of the drug, produced in three types: 250, 500 and 750 mg. Then they switch to a double dose for three to four months (a dose of less than two tablets or capsules a day usually does not have a significant therapeutic effect). In breaks between courses it is recommended to use gels, creams and ointments containing chondroitin. Only then will a full-fledged therapeutic effect be achieved. And it should be remembered that the use of the drug in one course is absolutely pointless.

Arthra reduces pain and suppressesinflammatory process in joints, normalizing their mobility. Another advantage of treatment with the drug is a decrease in calcium loss by the body. No side effects were observed when taking the medication. This analogue of teraflex is contraindicated only with individual intolerance.

Considering the mechanism of action of arthras,It should be noted that this chondroprotector contributes not so much to eliminating the symptoms of arthrosis as to the effect on the "basis" of the disease: it restores the cartilaginous surface of the diseased joint, improves the production of the joint fluid and normalizes its "lubricating" properties.

Such a complex effect of this drugon the joints makes it irreplaceable in the therapy of the initial stage of arthrosis. If we evaluate the therapeutic effect of arthritis in comparison with other chondroprotectors, then this remedy can be considered the most balanced. In addition, it is tested by repeated clinical trials.

However, do not exaggerate the possibility of arthras.Like any chondroprotector, this teraflex analog is ineffective in the last stage of arthrosis, that is, with the already completely destroyed cartilage. After all, the growth of a new cartilaginous tissue or the return of the old form to deformed bones, connected in the joint with the help of chondroprotectors, is not possible.

Thus, arthra is not an all-powerful remedy. Treatment with this medicine requires its long reception and it is better if the therapy is combined with other methods.