/ / Arthra - tablets for pain in joints

Arthra - pills for joint pain

Recently, the number of diseases associated withthe development of degenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the joints, has increased. The number of people suffering from osteoarthritis is growing every day. And then they turn to chondroprotectors, which includes the drug "Arthra pills", which can help to cope with the problem. Chondroprotectors are not able, of course, to build up or restore cartilaginous tissue of the joints. Their action is calculated only as a prevention of its further destruction. But they help at least normalize the joints, relieve pain and swelling, enable the person to increase motor activity, which is extremely important in our time.

Pharmacological properties of the drug "Artra"

Таблетки эти являются эффективным лекарственным a means, a stimulator of growth of cartilaginous tissue, contribute to its regeneration. This medicine is produced in the USA. Apply the drug "Artra" in the treatment of osteoarthritis. The composition of the "Artra tablets" includes glucosamine and chondroitin sodium sulfate. These components prevent the processes of destruction of cartilage and provide its protection. Glucosamine increases the production of a cartilage matrix. The drug is taken by the appointment of a doctor, adults and children over 15 years of age. To achieve a sustainable effect, this drug should take at least six months. Tablets are not recommended for pregnant women and they can not be taken during lactation. Side effects of the medicine include allergic reactions, but they are extremely rare. Sometimes there may be minor disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness. Contraindications include kidney disease, phenylketonuria, hypersensitivity. If the medication "Arthra pills" is started, then it is possible to reduce the consumption or cancel all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Thanks to numerous clinical trials conducted in Russian rheumatological centers, it was proved that the drug "Artra" has high efficiency and safety. It is perfectly tolerated by patients and brings a tangible effect.

"Artra" tablets: reviews

According to reviews, which can be found in printed andelectronic media, on forums on the Internet, "Artra tablets" receive a lot of positive assessments. The quality of the drug, its ability to remove puffiness and inflammation, restore motor activity and stimulate the "restoration" of cartilaginous tissue is noted. When you receive this medication, recovery is much faster.

But it should be remembered that the use of nonsteroidalAnti-inflammatory drugs are fraught with a number of dangerous complications. Injections into the knee joint injure the cartilaginous tissue, and after surgery there is no guarantee that the health will improve so much that the pain stops persecuting on a daily basis. You can, of course, rely on the drug "Artra", which is advised by many doctors. But it's better to go to your doctor to get the right advice, knowing your situation firsthand.

Undoubtedly, the joints must be protected.For this it is necessary to reduce the load, engage in physical therapy. Spa treatment can also have a beneficial effect on the body and joints in particular. The drug "Artra" has established itself as a means to effectively relieve pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis. In addition, it protects and regenerates the cartilage of the affected joints. Artra is excellent as a remedy, but before you start taking it, you should consult with your doctor.