/ / How to use burdock root in traditional medicine

How to use burdock root in folk medicine

Burdock - weedy plant, widespread in temperate latitudes. It has long been used leaves, seeds and burdock root in traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments.

Burdock roots are especially healing in whichcontains tannins, resin, essential oil, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, fatty acids, insulin, protein, vitamins A, B, C, P, E, salts of iron, chromium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, copper, sulfur, selenium, manganese, cobalt.

It is very important to properly prepare burdock root.They do it in the late autumn and dig only the plants of the first year of life that have not yet bloomed. For therapeutic purposes, use the fleshy and juicy roots of burdock of the first year, two-year-old burdock root in traditional medicine is no longer suitable. After digging up, do not wash the roots, dust them off the ground, cut them off from the leaves and let them dry. The next day with a brush to remove the remnants of the earth from the roots, cut them into pieces of 10 cm, cut the thick roots along the strips. Depending on the weather, dry in the open air or in a dryer with a temperature of about 50 ° C. If the roots are dried properly, they will break, not bend. Outside, their color is brownish, and inside is light gray. Apply dried burdock roots can be for three years.

The spectrum of diseases in which the root helpsburdock, incredibly wide. People say that this root is a cure for all diseases. Burdock root is used in traditional medicine in the form of decoctions, tinctures, extracts, oil, juice, powder, ointment. It is used both externally and internally.

Tinctures are prepared in water, alcohol, oil.There is a hot and cold cooking method. Cold method - pour the crushed raw material with water at room temperature and insist in a closed container. Hot method - root is poured with hot liquid and insist for some time in a thermos. Tinctures are drunk or used externally.

Alcohol tinctures are made on vodka or alcohol,keep in a dark enough warm (not below 20 ° C) place. The longer the medication is infused, the more effective it will be. Such tinctures are used, both inside, and for rubbing, lotions, compresses.

Decoction of burdock root is prepared in water or vegetable oil. Raw materials are poured with water and boiled for several minutes, then cooled, filtered, used externally or internally.

Broth, infusions and juice of burdock root helpsgastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, ulcers of the digestive system, colitis, constipation. Juice heals ulcers, protects the mucosa from irritants, normalizes the secretion of the stomach. When diseases of the liver and gallbladder brew and drink burdock tea. To do this, the root (two teaspoons with a slide) is poured half a liter of cold water, insisted for five hours, then put on the fire, boil for one minute. Strain and drink a glass three times a day.

Long used burdock root for myomauterus and uterine bleeding. To reduce the size of fibroids, take chopped root (1 teaspoon) and pour boiling water (0.5 liters) and insist in a thermos for 10 hours. Drink four times a day for half a cup for four weeks. After two weeks, repeat the treatment.

Burdock root as antipyretic andanti-inflammatory agent, used in infectious diseases, accompanied by fever. For colds, take juice from burdock root with honey.

Burdock root is 40 percent insulin.Infusion is taken orally for the treatment of diabetes. A tablespoon of crushed root is poured with a glass of boiled water, heated for half an hour in a water bath, stirring. Cool, filter, add to a glass with boiled water. Drink half a glass of warm three times a day.

Burdock root is used in traditional medicine as a diuretic for urolithiasis and edema.

Gadgets of burdock broth treat rheumatism, recurrent arthritis, polyarthritis.

Due to alkaloids, burdock root has an antitumor effect and is used in the treatment of cancer.

For the treatment of rheumatism and some skindiseases (eczema) apply decoction of burdock root. For ingestion, take a glass of water and a dessert spoon of the root, bring to a boil, insist 20 minutes, cool, take to food 4 times a day in a tablespoon. For external use, a decoction is prepared at the rate of 5 tablespoons of the root in a bucket of water. The broth is cooled to a warm state, a sheet is lowered into it, slightly squeezed and the patient is wrapped tightly so that a sheet is laid between the legs. Above the patient wrap a dry sheet and a woolen blanket, leave for two hours. This treatment is applied at night once a day.

Burdock root is used, the tincture of whichapplied externally and internally to treat eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, pruritus. When furunculosis decoction is taken orally, as a means of purifying the blood. To do this, in a half-liter of water, put a tablespoon of crushed raw materials, boil for 10 minutes, infuse for an hour, filter and drink a quarter of a glass four times a day.

If burdock root insist on plantoil, you get the same burdock oil, which is known to all, as a reliable remedy against dandruff and to strengthen the hair roots. Burdock oil well heals purulent wounds and burns.

Burdock root is used for alcohol intoxication, a hangover, bites of poisonous insects and snakes.

Decoctions and tinctures of burdock root are used as a tonic and metabolism enhancing agent.