/ / Chicory: useful properties and contraindications

Chicory: useful properties and contraindications

Цикорий (полезные свойства многогранны) — это herbaceous perennial plant with a fleshy long root and branched stem. The flowers of the plant are blue, rarely white or pink, collected in a neat basket. Chicory fruits are small seeds. The plant begins to bloom in late July and ends in September. In folk medicine, chicory has beneficial properties through its root. For preparation of a medicine, the roots are dug out only when this plant develops well. Thoroughly they are washed from the ground cover and cut. Raw materials are dried in special dryers, which are ventilated in furnaces and rooms. So is chicory useful?

Chicory: useful properties

Healthy chicory root contains insulin - thispolysaccharide, which is used as a substitute for starch and sugar for diabetics. Also in the pharmaceutical industry, other properties of chicory are known. Here it is used because of the high content of glycoside in the intibine root. Thanks to him, these drugs are used as sedative CNS agents that dilate blood vessels and relieve tachycardia. In addition, chicory roots contain up to 17% of sugars, tannins, useful vitamins of groups B and C, natural organic acids, bitter and resinous substances, carotene. The seeds and leaves are rich in milky juice, there is insulin, bitter substances (lactucin, taraksasterin), protocatechin aldehyde. In the chicory hammer there are also other useful properties - antimicrobial and astringent. In folk medicine, decoctions and tinctures of the roots are used, which improve the work of digestion and the heart, increase the appetite, and have the ability to soothe the NA well. Chicory is recommended for people suffering from kidney, liver, and spleen. A decoction of the roots or ordinary alcoholic tincture is excellent for any non-healing wounds, eczema and tumors. In general, this medical assistant is known as a fairly effective and reliable general tonic.

Chicory is good for the heart.So from the inflorescences of this plant make effective preparations that beneficially affect the normal functioning of the heart. Use chicory in diabetes. And, moreover, as a vasodilator and antipyretic agent. Drugs that are based on it, have a diuretic and choleretic, appetite stimulating, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. Chicory is also used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine, root tinctures and decoctionsare used to raise the tone in the body, improve the blood, dyspepsia and hysteria. It is very useful in rashes, acne, furunculosis and skin diseases, it can improve the upset metabolism in the body.

Chicory during pregnancy

Ground Chicory Drink - Cicorn Coffee -need to drink to pregnant women. After all, it has an extremely beneficial effect on the liver, which often suffers during pregnancy, and contributes to the removal of toxins from the female body. In addition, the enormous benefit of chicory for pregnant women is also due to the fact that it relieves heartburn easily, well helps the work of the stomach and intestines, improves appetite. It is important for pregnant women and that it is chicory that contributes to the active increase in red blood cells. And this is an invaluable help to both the body of the future mother and the body of the baby.

Chicory: contraindications

Contraindications for chicory are: it is forbidden to take it for varicose veins, is not recommended for hemorrhoids, vascular diseases.

Полезность цикория проверена многолетней practice. Amazing plant chicory ... Useful properties of its use in medicine and in cooking (added in the preparation of cakes and other desserts).