/ / Lakonos: medical use

Lakonos: medical use

Phytolacca, or American lakonos, applicationwhich has been practiced by sorcerers of many peoples since ancient times, is a perennial plant. His homeland is North America. Currently, this plant grows in large quantities in the subtropical and tropical regions. In the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, the lakonos is found near houses or along roads.

lakonos application
In folk medicine, phytolacus for its stronghealing qualities are also called the American mighty root. In this case, the medicinal properties are also fruits, leaves and stems of this plant. Healing representative of the flora is recommended in the form of tinctures and broths, syrups and ointments. But the root of the lakonose still has the highest medicinal value. Recipes of alternative medicine provide for its use in the form of alcohol sprays and infusions, recommended when getting rid of various ailments.

The root of phytolacchi is rich in saponins and starch,sugar and triterpenoids, fatty and essential oils, acids. There is an enzyme oxidase and alkaloid phytolacicin in it. The fruits of this healing plant include vitamins PP and B1, as well as carbohydrates, anthocyanins, alkaloids and saponins. Leaves are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids. Potassium, saponins and triterpenoids are found in the seeds of phytolacchi.

Finds the use of lakonos in recipes folkhealers precisely because of its composition, which includes a lot of healthy elements. The plant produces bacteriostatic and wound healing, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. Its berries can have a laxative effect, but in connection with the toxicity of phytolacchi, its use should be carried out with strict adherence to dosages.

Finds the use of lakonos in the treatment of joints.In these cases, the root of the plant is used in dry or fresh form. It is ground and placed in a container. Bay the roots with warm vodka, the mixture is left to infuse for fourteen days in a warm room. The container must be tightly sealed. After aging, the mixture is filtered and used as a means for compresses applied to the foci of pain (spine, knees or elbows). When added to water, a healing infusion can be used to steam the joints of the legs or hands. The course of such treatment lasts up to thirty days.

lakonos application in folk medicine
In the form of a tincture,otitis and pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis, angina and lumbago, as well as with various postinfection and neuralgic complications. With these pathologies, ten grams of fresh roots are filled with a hundred grams of medical alcohol. After insisting for two weeks, the drug is taken daily in the volume of fifteen drops, the use of which should be distributed evenly. This remedy is an excellent immunostimulant. When intolerance patients with alcohol prepare a decoction from the roots of a healing plant. Raw materials in the amount of five grams are filled with a glass of boiling water. After settling, the product is taken twice a day in the amount of several teaspoons.

lakonos american application
The leaves of the plant are used whengetting rid of furuncles, growths, lichens, various seals, as well as hemorrhoids. Phytolacus is widely used by homeopaths. Preparations based on it are effective for the treatment of the lymphatic system and the motor apparatus.

The fruits of the plant are the application of folk in the folkmedicine is in the form of a decoction. He is recommended to hypertensive patients. Decoction of the leaves and roots of phytolacchi is an excellent remedy that produces a diuretic, laxative, expectorant and anthelmintic effect.