Sometimes you can draw attention to your belly,not only by tattooing or piercing the navel. It is guaranteed that a rumbling in the intestine does not cause a smile to others, and you yourself will be in an awkward situation. This circumstance makes a person think about the problem and try to get rid of it.
For starters pay attention to how youare eating. What foods are included in your diet? Perhaps this is a coffee with a sandwich in the morning, a quick snack at lunch and a tasty and hearty dinner in the evening. If so, you immediately need to change your diet. That he is the basis, due to which rumbling occurs in the intestine. The reasons always lie on the surface. Pay attention to what foods you consume most often. Sparkling water, ice cream, beans, cabbage, apples and pears significantly increase gas formation. Especially if you use them immediately after the main meal, they will certainly cause a rumbling in the intestines. An activated carbon treatment will help calm the storm. To such harmful products should be attributed, and fresh baking.
To make digestion good,need to chew food thoroughly. This contributes to the development of the required amount of gastric juice, and also increases the number of its own lactobacilli. Next, the food moves into the stomach. Experts strongly recommend not to combine food intake with drinks for better digestion. If you really want to drink, drink half an hour before meals. Water drunk with food significantly impairs digestion, as a result of which gases and rumbling can form in the intestines. The reasons often lie precisely in the misuse of liquids. Pure water, drunk forty to thirty minutes before a meal, contributes to a better production of gastric juice. Salts and acids left over from digestion will not be deposited on organs and tissues, but will easily be removed from the body if water is consumed an hour and a half after eating. All this in the most beneficial way affects the microflora, eliminates dysbiosis and rumbling in the intestine.
The treatment required for recoverythe lost microflora, should include as much clean water as possible (more than 1.5 liters per day), fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, garlic and onions. For the entire time of treatment, it is necessary to completely exclude sugar, various confectionery products, bread, milk and potatoes from the menu. To improve the microflora in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening, before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.
The intestine only works beautifully whenwe are in motion. Modern man is constantly busy, but activity in the way of his life is not enough. More often, this is a sit-down job, travel trips and a weekend at the TV. Hypodynamia causes stagnation of blood, and as a result, deterioration of the entire body and, of course, the intestines. Food moves poorly, stagnates, and rumbling occurs in the stomach. When the intestine does not work well, it immediately reflects on the skin and joints. Runny nose and colds often appear for this very reason. Traditional medicine offers a wide variety of healing herbs to restore healthy microflora. These are shamrock, flax, yarrow, dandelion, nettle, wormwood, calendula, chamomile, buckthorn and plantain. They eliminate the accumulation of putrefactive poisons, eliminate rumbling in the intestines and have an antiseptic effect on it. There is a special salad that helps cleanse the intestines. People call it a salad broom. For its production you will need cabbage (three parts), beets (one part) and carrots (one part). All vegetables finely chopped. Stir, always squeezing, to highlight the juice. Be sure to fill with vegetable oil. Many women spend fasting days, using just such a salad.
In order to permanently remove the rumbling in the intestines, it is necessary to completely revise their habits and say goodbye to those of them that interfere with a comfortable existence.