/ / What is the average apple weight?

What is the weight of the average apple?

Apple is considered useful and delicious dietaryproduct. If this fruit is used even once a day, the body will receive the necessary minerals and trace elements. What is the weight of the average apple with skin? It is 176 g.

Mass you need to know in order to determine the calorie contentproduct. This will allow you to properly follow a diet. What is the average apple weight in the purified form? Knowing the mass, you can calculate the calories.

The nutritional value

There are over 7400 varieties of this fruit.Everyone has a special appearance, taste and caloric content. But in any case, the weight of the average apple will be the same. Their common property is a huge benefit. It consists in the following:

  • Fruits are necessary to reduce "harmful" cholesterol in the body. This is due to pectin, ascorbic acid, fructose and magnesium.
  • Fructose is recognized as a "substitute" for sugar. To make up the daily norm of carbohydrates, you need to eat one apple each.
  • Apples are protected from reproduction of carious bacteria in the mouth due to the presence of neutralizing acids in them.

average apple weight

  • They improve the activity of the brain, as there are phytonutrients in the composition.
  • Neutralizes uric acid, activates the production of bile. You just need to drink apple juice often.
  • Do not tolerate the ailments of the thyroid gland due to the iodine contained in the pulp.
  • Promote the excretion of sand from the kidneys.
  • Make the walls of the vessels elastic, protecting people from heart disease.

This tasty and useful treat is considered the best snack. The fruit perfectly restores well.

Weight and calorie content

The average apple weight in grams is 176 grams,regardless of the variety. A fruit is considered to be a low-calorie, since it is almost 87% water. But usually there are more sugar in red, and their calorific value is 47 calories, and green - 35.

average apple weight in grams

The weight of the average apple is quite consistent with the daily rate of eating this fruit. The product is useful to everyone due to the content of a large number of vitamins, fiber and valuable trace elements.